

Vegetable Science

Dr. Ajeet Singh

Dr. Ajeet Singh

Dr. Satya Vart Dwivedi


Dr. Akhilesh Chandra Mishra

Dr. Sunil Kumar

Dr. Mrs Neetu

Dr. Shweta Soni

Dr. Manish Kumar Singh


Dr. (Mrs.) Neetu

Department of Vegetable Science At a glance

College of Horticulture


Department of Vegetable Science is one of the important department in the College of Horticulture and it came into existence in the year 2011. M.Sc. (Horti.) programme in the discipline of Vegetable Science was started during the year 2018 while Ph.D. programme in 2020. Total number of students awarded M.Sc. (Hort.) degree in Vegetable Science till 2023-24 is 24, while the total number of students awarded Ph.D. degree till 2023-24 is 02. This department focuses on a broad range of areas, including crop improvement, crop production, biotic and abiotic stress, grafting techniques, organic vegetable production and standardizing high tech vegetable production under protected cultivation.


  • To emerge as a global centre of excellence in teaching, research and extension in agriculture and allied sciences in the country to ensure sustained healthy food, nutrition and livelihood security.


  • The university is committed to the cause of Indian agriculture through its quality teaching, demand-driven and location-specific research and extension programmes in the light of dynamism of socio-economic and agro ecological conditions, management perceptions, international trade scenarios and government policies.


  1. Technological backstopping to Department of Horticulture in Bundelkhand for:
    • Increasing vegetable productivity from 150.0 q/ha to 200 q/ha (25% increase).
    • Increasing area under vegetable crops from 5.0 % to 10.0% of total cultivated area.
    • Diversification of vegetable crops from a single green pea crop.
    • Increasing area & production of seed spices, red chillies, kharif onion, garlic, ginger and turmeric.
    • Increasing area under organic vegetables, rainy season vegetables and vegetable production through drip fertigation and mulching.
  2. Skill development of rural peasantry in vegetable, vegetable seed and seedling production for livelihood and employment generation to mitigate seasonal migration.
  3. Making vegetable and spice cultivation more remunerative and profitable enterprise through technological interventions.


  1. Evolution and identification of stress tolerant varieties/hybrids in important vegetable and spice crops.
  2. Efficacy assessments of resource conservation technologies viz., drip fertigation, mulching, inter-cropping, application of weedicides and biopesticides etc.
  3. Development of off-season/kharif vegetable technologies for higher profitability.
  4. Development of package of practices for nutraceutically important minor leafy (purslane, basella, amaranth, vegetable mustard etc.) and perennial vegetables (pointed gourd, ivy gourd, sweet & spine gourds, moringa).
  5. Quality seed production of suitable varieties of commercial vegetable crops.
  6. Organization of vocational courses in off-season/protected vegetable cultivation, seed & seedling production and precision farming in vegetable crops.


  1. Survey, Collection, characterization and consevation of economically important vegetable crops.
  2. Standardization of agro-techniques for the cultivation of vegetable crops in different areas of Bundelkhand region.
  3. Development of superior hybrids and varieties of commercial vegetables
  4. Standardization of techniques and hybrids/varieties for protected cultivation of vegetables.
  5. Quality seed production of vegetables.
  6. Diversifying traditional vegetable production with rare/exotic vegetables, spice crops and underutilized vegetables for more income generation.
  7. Developing package of practices for vegetable cultivation based on organic and natural farming systems.


For undergraduate department offers 08 courses and one experiential learning programme to provides strong academic guidance to the students and the course work with credit load for PG and Ph. D students is mentioned below


  1. ICT enabled tools (Wi- Fi enabled inter active board & projector).
  2. Internet enabled seminar hall.
  3. Delivering of synopsis of research
  4. Delivering the subject topic through seminar.
  5. Student-advisor interaction on course and research area of work.
  6. ICT facility in the University Library for E-book, e-Journal through J-Gate, e- Journal through CeRA Consortia, Shodh Shidhu and URKUND.


  1. PG and Ph.D students of department have consistently outshining  in sports, debate, speech and poster making competitions and showcasing their exceptional talents and dedication.
  2. Our students got 1st Prize in poster making , national Hindi debate, speech competition and also received gold medal in volleyball and silver medal in Tug of war.
  3. Total 16 PG and Ph.D students got certificate of participation in tissue culture training programme organised by College of forestry, BUAT, Banda.
Orientation Programme
Guest Lecture Programme
Fresher’s Welcoming Programme
Tug of War Competition
Capacity Building Training Programme
Volleyball Competition
Teacher’s Day Calibration
Hindi Debate Competition
Tissue Culture Training Programme



  1. Five PG Students got placements in government & private sector as details given below:

Besides above 03 students engaged as Senior Research Fellow and 13 students persuing Ph.D. Degree programme in different State Agriculture Universities of India.

  1. Total 12 Students qualified ICAR NET Examination.
  2. Total 11 Medals received by PG students (04 Vice Chancellor’s Gold Medals, 03Vice Chancellor’s Silver Medals and 04 Vice Chancellor’s Bronze Medals)
  3. One Ph. D student got DST fellowship from Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi.
Group Photo of ICAR-NET Qualified
PG Students Receiving Vice-Chancellor Gold medal from Hon’ble
PG Students Receiving Vice-Chancellor Gold medal from Hon’ble


  1. The Department has established a rich germplasm collection of more than 250 varieties in major vegetable crops like Tomato, French Bean, Sponge Gourd, Pea, Pointed Gourd, Spine Gourd, Cow Pea, Okra and Brinjal. This germplasm collection serves as a valuable resource for future  breeding programs and genetic conservation efforts.
  2. Ken Swadisht is the first released variety of Sponge Gourd in 2024 from the department of vegetable Science.
  3. Provided consultancy services to the 21 private seed and pesticides based companies till date by testing of their varieties/products/ technologies.
Sponge gourd - Ken Swadisht
Collection of Germplasm
Collection of Germplasm
Collection of Germplasm

The main research emphasis of the Department are in the fields of genetic crop improvement, assessment of genetic diversity using conventional as well as molecular level, crop production management and bio-chemical/ nutritional studies of different vegetables crop suitable for Bundelkhand region.

PROJECTS (Ongoing and Completed)


  1. Department have well developed Instructional farm, Centre for Protected Cultivation Technology Unit, Automation Farm and Hi-tech Nursery for Research.
  2. The department has an excellent facility for teaching of various courses in vegetable science as required in U.G., P.G. and Ph.D. degree programme.
  3. Department has one PG class room, one smart class, one study room and one library.
  4. Department offers comprehensive Wi-Fi facilities across the department, providing students, faculty, and staff with high-speed internet access in classrooms, libraries, study areas, and common spaces.
  5. Department well equipped with state-of-the-art UG and PG laboratories designed to support both undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) students.
Seminar Hall cum Smart Class
PG Class Room
Instructional farm
Hi- tech Nursery Unit
Protected Unit
PG Laboratory


  1. Advisories to farming communities on vegetable production and management.
  2. Participation in Kisan Mela: Showcasing our technologies among farmers & farmer women.
  3. Organization of training programmes on different aspects viz. Poshad vatika, doubling income through scientific cultivation of vegetables and seed production of vegetables to the farming communities under ICAR SC-SP plan.
  4. Providing technical knowhow/knowladge to the visiting farmers, extension functionaries of line department and students of different agriculture universities/college/schools under exposure visit programme to our department/units.




Hon’ble Agri. Minister, UP
Hon’ble DG UPCAR
Hon’ble DM, Banda
Hon’ble Ex- DG ICAR
Hon’ble Ex-VC BUAT, Banda
Hon’ble Director Hort. & ADG ICAR
Principal Scientist NBRI
Col., S.K. Singh, Jhansi

Distinguished Visitor’s

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    Vegetable Science

    Dr. Ajeet Singh

    Dr. Ajeet Singh

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Qualifications: B.Sc (Ag.) & M.Sc Vegetable science from ANDUAT, Ayodhya, U.P and Ph.D Horticulture (Olericulture) from RPCAU, Pusa, Samastipur.

    Joining on Present Post: 04-06-2021

    Total Experience: 29 Yrs

    Experience: Total 24 yrs experience of Extension, research & teaching

    Publications:Ph.D in Horticulture (Olericulture)

    Specialization: Crop Improvement

    Achievement: 43 Research Papers, 48 Popular Articles, 07 Book Chapters,  08  Extension Bulletins, 14 Extension folders, 35 Radio Talks, 15 TV Programmes,

    03 Educational VCD and 13 Awards.

    Vegetable Science


    Dr. Satya Vart Dwivedi

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Joining on Present Post: 11-12-2017

    Total Experience: 24 Yrs.

    Qualifications: Ph. D in Horticulture

    Specialization: Crop Improvement

    Awards and Recognitions: 63 Research Papers, 22 Book Chapters, 04 books, 03 Technical books, 07 Practical Manuals,  05 E- practical manuals,  86 Articles, 10 Training manuals,  1 Technical Bulletin, 7 Folders and  06 Awards

    Publications: 30 Research papers in National and International Journals, 11 Book Chapter, 01 Technical book, 07 practical manuals, 75 Articles, 5 Technical Bulletin, 7 Folders

    Vegetable Science


    Dr. Akhilesh Chandra Mishra

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Joining on Present Post: 12-01-2021

    Total Experience: 23 Yrs.

    Qualifications: Ph. D in Vegetable Science

    Specialization: Crop Improvement

    Achievement: 86 Research Papers, 33 Popular Articles, 20 Extension/Academic Bulletins, 07 Books/Booklets, 10 Book Chapters, 22 Research Abstracts, 08 Awards and development of 05 varieties

    Vegetable Science

    Dr. Sunil Kumar (1)

    Dr. Sunil Kumar

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Joining on Present Post: 07-09-2013

    Total Experience: 12 Yrs.

    Qualifications: Ph. D in Vegetable Science

    Specialization: Crop Improvement

    Achievement: 20 Research papers, 02 Books, 10 Book Chapters, 07 Practical Manuals, , 03 E content, 25 Popular/ Articles and 05 Awards

    Vegetable Science

    Dr. Neetu

    Dr. Mrs Neetu

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Joining on Present Post: 11-12-2017

    Total Experience: 07 Yrs. 9 months.

    Qualifications: Ph. D in Horticulture

    Specialization: Crop Improvement

    Achievement: 17 Research papers, 30 Popular Articles, 02 Books, 05 e content, 13 Book Chapters, 08 Radio talks and 6 Awards

    Vegetable Science

    Dr. Shweta Soni

    Dr. Shweta Soni

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Joining on Present Post: 15-12-2017

    Total Experience: 09 Yrs.

    Qualifications: Ph. D in Horticulture

    Specialization:  Crop Production Technology

    Prior Job Experience: 2 years experience as Assistant Professor in Doon(PG) College of Agriculture Science and Technology, Dehradun, Uttarakhand.

    Achievement:  19 Research papers, 30 Popular Articles, 02 Books, 01 Manual, 02 E content, 10 Book chapters, 01 Radio talk and 05 Awards

    Vegetable Science


    Dr. Manish Kumar Singh

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Joining on Present Post: 02-06-2021

    Total Experience: 3.5 Yrs.

    Qualifications: Ph. D in Horticulture

    Specialization: Crop Production Technology

    Achievement: 30 Research papers, 22 Popular Articles, 02 Books, 06 Manuals, 10 Book chapters, 01 Radio talk and 05 Awards.

    Prior Job Experience: 1 year 2 months experience as Assistant Professor in BUAT, Banda.

    • 01 Young Scientist Award from Bioved Research Institute of Agriculture Technology and Science, Prayagraj Uttar Pradesh India, 01 Best Poster Award from U.P. Council of Agricultural Research, Lucknow, India.
    • 01 Best Article Award from Agriculture and food e-news.
    • Life Member of many reputed Indian International Society.
    • Project handled as PI:1, Co-PI: 03.

    Publications: 20 Research papers, 15 Popular articles, 01 Book and 08 Bookschapter, and 24 Abstracts.

    Soil Science

    Dr. Deo Kumar

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Qualifications:  BSc (Ag) degree from Bundelkhand University Jhansi, MSc (Ag.), Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry from C.S. AUAT, Kanpur and Ph.D from S.V.B. P.U.A.T, Modipuram, Meerut, U.P. NET from ASRB (ICAR) New Delhi.

    Prior Job Experience:  More than 14years experience in teaching, research and extension system


    Research Papers (15), Book Chapters (04),Books (04), Popular Articles (12), Technical Bulletins (01), Folders and Pamphlets (01), TV/Radio talks (02), Webinar organised (1), Projects handled (03), Participation in/National / International Seminar  / Conference etc.(10)

    M.Sc & Ph.D Students guided/ guiding (11 as Major advisor and  23 as Co-advisor)

    Basic Engineering and Applied Science


    Dr. Sandeep Kumar

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Research Interests: Heat and Mass Transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Solar Energy

    Qualifications:  B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering from College of Technology, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand (2012), M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering with major in Thermal Engineering from College of Technology, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand (2014), and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from College of Technology, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand (2022). Qualified GATE (2012,2013,2015 and 2020).

    Job Experience: Presently working as an Assistant Professor (Mechanical Engineering), since 23rd October, 2024 at ‘CAET, BUAT, Banda
    Worked as an Assistant Professor in the department of Mechanical Engineering at ‘Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow’ for 22 months (05th December 2022 to 22nd October 2024)
    Worked as Teaching Personnelin the department of Mechanical Engineering at ‘College of Technology, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar’, Uttarakhand, for 06 Months.


    • Research Paper (04) (02 SCI)
    • Conference Papers (02)
    • One Week FDP (06)
    • One Week Short Term Courses (04)
    • One Week National Workshop (03)
    • One Week National Seminar (03)


    Membership of Professional Bodies: Life Member [Membership Number: 214439] since 2018, of International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Hong Kong, an organization for facilitating the exchange of information and ideas among Engineers and Scientists.

    Basic Engineering and Applied Science


    Dr. Himanshu Bisaria

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Qualifications: B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering from UPTU Lucknow (U.P.) (2012), MTech in Production Engineering from Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad (U.P.) (2015) and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad (U.P.) (2020). Qualified GATE (2013& 2014).

    Research areas: 

    • Additive Manufacturing
    • Advanced Machining Processes (EDM/WEDM)
    • Composite Materials
    • Biomedical Implants
    • Smart Materials and Superalloys
    • Modeling and Optimization


    Job Experience:

    Assistant Professor & Associate Dean (R&D), Department of Mechanical Engineering, G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous), Nagpur, Maharashtra.

    Tenure: 2 years and 5 months (July 2, 2019 – December 8, 2021)

    Project Scientist, Laboratory for Advanced Research in Polymeric Materials (LARPM), SARP: CIPET, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.

    Tenure: 2 years and 8 months (December 14, 2021 – August 30, 2024)

    Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SR University, Warangal, Telangana.

    Tenure: 1.5 months (September 4, 2024 – October 25, 2024)

    Assistant Professor (Mechanical Engineering), College of Agriculture Engineering and Technology, Banda University of Agriculture and Technology (BUAT), Banda, U.P., Govt.
    Current Role: Since October 28, 2024

    Publications/Training/Awards: 24 SCI/SCIE indexed Journal Articles, 02 Peer Reviewed Journal Articles, 01 Copyright, 08 International/National Conference Papers, 02 Book Chapters. MHRD fellowship during MTech and Ph.D.

    Basic Engineering and Applied Science


    Dr. Ashwin Singh

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Qualifications:  B.Tech. in Civil Engineering from Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan (H.P.) (2016), MTech in Water Resources Engineering from Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur (Rajasthan) (2018) and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, (Gujarat) (2022). Qualified GATE (2016 & 2017).

    Research Area: Water Resources Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Hydro-geochemistry, Contaminant Hydrology, Geochemical Modelling.

    Job  Experience: Presently working as an Assistant Professor, since 24thOctober, 2024 at ‘CAET, BUAT, Banda
    21 months experience as an Institute Postdoctoral Fellow (I-PDF) in the department of Environmental Science and Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad from 11th January, 2023 to 23rd October, 2024.

    Publications/Training/Awards: 20 Journal Articles (15 SCI Q1; 2 SCI Q2; 1 SCI Q4; 2 Scopus), 11 Conference Proceedings, 03 Book Chapters, 2 three-weeks Training from Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi under National Geospatial Program (Level 1 & 2). MHRD fellowship during MTech and PhD.

    International Exposure: Guest Speaker at “2ndNext Generation Sequencing, Probiotics and Other Technologies for Water Quality Management (NGS-WQM)” held at KMUTT, Thailand in 2019.

    Membership of Professional Bodies: International Water Association (IWA) membership ID:1615541, Range Management Society of India (RMSI) (Life Member), International Association of Hydrogeologist 

    Soil and Water Conservation Engineering


    Dr. D. P. Kushwaha

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology


    1. B.Tech. in Agricultural Engineering from Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh in 2013, Position holder under Top 10
    2. M.Tech. in Soil and Water Conservation Engineering from G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand in 2016, First with Distinction
    3. Ph. D.  in Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, (Minor in Irrigation and Drainage Engineering) from G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand in 2022

    Job Experience: Worked as Project Associate-I in GBPUA&T, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand for 16 months under the Collaborative project with National Remote Sensing Centre, ISRO, Hyderabad, under National Hydrology Project Funded by Ministry of Jal Shakthi, India.

    Publications/Training/Awards: Qualified GATE National Examination in 2013. Qualified ICAR – NET National Examination in 2018 and 2023 in Land and Water Management Engineering discipline. Published 01 Book, 02 Book Chapters, 01 Lab Manual, 17 Research Papers, 01 Conference paper, 02 Popular articles, 12 Abstract in proceedings of various conferences in different states

    Research Areas: 

    • Soil Erosion
    • Hydrological Modeling
    • Soil and Water Conservation
    • Watershed Hydrology
    • Watershed Management
    • Water Resources Management
    • Sediment transport,
    • Open channel flow

    Membership of Professional Bodies:Life time Member of IASWC Dehradun, SWEFT New Delhi, ISAHRD Chandigarh, and ATDS Ghaziabad.

    Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering


    Dr. Shashank Shekhar

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Research Areas: Water flow and nutrient transport, Crop modelling, Hydrological modelling, AI and ML for on farm water management, Diffuse Agricultural Pollution, Precision Farming, UAV-based image analytics.

    Qualifications: B.Tech. in Agricultural Engineering from Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. M.Tech. and Ph.D. in Land and Water Resource Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal, India.

    Job Experience: Served as a Subject Matter Specialist at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ankushpur Ghazipur (ANDUAT, Kumarganj, UP) for 2 years and 5 months. Worked as a Senior Research Fellow at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur for 2 years and 11 months.  Served as a Teaching Assistant online course of Irrigation and Drainage, NPTEL at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India for three terms. Gained practical experience as a Field Officer Trainee at International Tractor Limited (Sonalika), Nizamabad, Andhra Pradesh for 1 year.

    Publications/Training/Awards: Authored 16 research articles, 1 review article, 1 book, 11 popular articles, 3 conference abstracts (one in India and two in the USA), and 1 book chapter. Recipient of the National Talent Scholarship during undergraduate studies from ICAR, Government of India, and awarded the Ministry of Human Resource Development Scholarship for both post-graduation and Ph.D. studies by the Government of India. Participated in over 15 training programs, workshops, and seminars. Received a Young Scientist Award from Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ankushpur Ghazipur, and another at the 4th International Conference on Advances in Biological Research and Environmental Sustainability, Royal Regantris Kuta, Bali, Indonesia. Recognized with the Top Cited Article Award for 2021-2022 by Irrigation and Drainage, Wiley.

    International Exposure: Honored with the Best Conference Travel Grant from IIT Kharagpur to present Ph.D. research at the AGU Fall Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

    Membership of Professional Bodies: Life Member of the Indian Society of Agricultural Engineering (ISAE) (Membership No: LM-12016) and the Indian Society of Extension Education, India.

    Farm Machinery and Power Engineering


    Dr. Gajendra Singh

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Research Areas: Ergonomics and Safety in Agriculture, Farm Machinery and Power, Precision Agriculture and Renewable Energy 

    Qualifications: B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering from Sir Chhotu Ram Institute of Engineering and Technology, Meerut, affiliated with Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. M.Tech in Farm Machinery and Power Engineering from Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. Ph.D. in Farm Machinery and Power from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT KGP), West Bengal.

    Qualified ICAR NET in 2016.

    Job Experience: Presently working as an Assistant Professor, since 23rd October, 2024 at ‘CAET, BUAT, Banda

    Thirteen year five-month experience as Junior Project Officer at Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT KGP), West Bengal

    Publications/Training/Awards: 20 Research Paper, 01 Book,  01 Book Chapter, 03 Bulletins, 03 Patent published 01 patent Under Review Patent, 05 International and National Conferences, Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship UGC for Ph.D.

    Membership of Professional Bodies:

    • Life Member of the Indian Society of Agricultural Engineering (ISAE) (Membership No: LM-12806).

    Farm Machinery and Power Engineering


    Dr. (Er.) Sunil Kumar

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Research Areas: Conservation Agriculture, Farm Machinery and Power, Precision Agriculture and Renewable Energy 

    Qualifications: B.Tech. in Agricultural Engineering from Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana, Punjab; M.Tech. in Farm Machinery and Power from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (IIT KGP), West Bengal and Ph.D.from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vishwavidyalaya (BCKV), Mohanpur, Nadia, West-Bengal.

    Qualified GATE 2005 &2006;ICAR NET in 2010 & 2012 and ICAR-SRF 2020.

    Job Experience: Five years’ experienceas Research Associate at Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal and working as Assistant Professor at Banda University of Agriculture & Technology, Banda since September, 2013.

    Publications/Training/Awards: 06 Research Paper, 01 Book Chapter, 02 Practical Manuals, 32 Operator’s manual, 20 Training Manuals; 04 International and National Conferences and awarded the Ministry of Human Resource Development Scholarship during M. Tech. degree programme by Government of India.

    Membership of Professional Bodies: 

    • Life Member of “Indian Society of Agricultural Engineering (ISAE)”(Membership No.: LM-11353)
    • Life Member of “Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)”  (Membership No.: LM-136655)
    • Life Member of “The Institution of Engineers (India) (IEI)”, Kolkata (Membership No.: AM3055011)
    • Life Member of “Uttar Pradesh Academy of Agricultural Sciences”, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 
    • Membership of Professional Bodies: Life Member (04)

    Food Safety and Quality Assurance

    Mr. Pratik Shukla

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology


    B.Tech (Dairy Technology) from DSCKV, Durg, Chhattisgarh, M.Tech. in Dairy Microbiology from Anand Agriculture University, Gujarat. Qualified NET (National Eligibility Test) and JRF exam in Dairy Microbiology conducted by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi.

    Prior Job Experience: Three years of experience as Quality Assurance Officer in Amul.

    Publications/Training/ Awards:

    03 Research Papers,01 Review Papers, 01 Book Chapters, and 01 Popular Article, “Amul Gold Plated Silver Medal”, “Dr. J. M. Dave Gold Plated Silver Medal”, “Late Shri Kamendu C. Vasavada Medal”, “Mrs. Meenaben J. Prajapati Gold Plates Silver Medal”. International Award for best paper presentation, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Awards from Microbiologist Society of India. National Talent Scholarship from ICAR.

    Food Safety and Quality Assurance

    Dr. Abhishek Chitranashi

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology


    Graduation in Agricultural Biotechnology from the esteemed University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. Master’s and Ph.D. in Agricultural Biochemistry from Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI). Qualified ICAR-NTS, ICAR-JRF, ICAR-SRF, and CSIR-JRF, along with CSIR-NET (twice) and ASRB-NET (three times). Qualified Agricultural Research Service (ARS-2023) exam.

    Prior Job Experience

    Senior Research Fellow (SRF) at ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur, for three months. ICAR-CIARI, Port Blair, as a Senior Technical Officer (STO), for six months.

    Publications/Trainings/ Awards:

    08 Research papers, 04 Book Chapters and 03 Popular Articles.

    Food Safety and Quality Assurance

    Dr. Ajay Kumar Maurya

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology


    B.Sc (Hons) Agriculture from Kulbhaskar Ashram PG College affiliated to CSJM University, Kanpur. M. Sc in Food Technology from University of Allahabad and Ph.D in Food Science & Technology from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. Qualified NET (National Eligibility Test) in Food Technology conducted by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi.

    Prior Job experience

    5 Years and 5 Months as Sanitary and Food Inspector in Directorate, Urban Local Bodies, Nagar Nigam, Kanpur,1 Year and 10 Month as Assistant Professor in Department of Food Technology, Institute of Biosciences and Biotechnology, Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur and 9 Month as Lecturer in Shri Agrasen Kanya P G College (Autonomous) affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth University, Varanasi.


    04 Research paper, 02 Review paper, 04 Book Chapter,

    Winter School Attended 01,Department of Biotechnology (DBT) fellowship during Ph. D

    Membership of Professional Bodies

    Life Membership, Association of Food Scientist in India (AFST/LM/6-2018/KAN/2039)

    Life Membership of Society for Promotion of Horticulture (SPH)

    Food Process Engineering

    Dr. Shikhangi Singh

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology


    B.Tech (Food Technology) from Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, UP in 2017, M.Tech and Ph.D. in Process and Food Engineering from G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar in 2023.

    Prior Job Experience: One year experience as Teaching Personnel at College of Technology, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar

    International Experience: One Month training in France.


    05 Research papers, 08 review papers, 04 book chapters, 03 popular articles.06Oral and poster presentations, Attended 10 training/workshops/seminars. Young Researcher Award” at the FSATIHE-2024 Conference.

    Membershipof Professional Bodies:

    Member of the Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (India) (AFSTI) and Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISAE).

    Food Processing Technology

    Dr. Sachin Kumar

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology


    B.E. (Biotechnology Engineering) from Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana, M.Tech in Food Technology and Management from National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management and Ph.D. in Food Engineering from National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management, Kundli, Haryana. Qualified Gate, ICAR NET, UGC NET.

    Prior Job Experience:

    Worked as an Assistant Professor, Food Technology Department at Eternal University Himachal Pradesh, India (Women University) for 1 year and 5 months. Worked as an Assistant Professor, Food Technology Department at Lovely Professional University Punjab for 03 months. Worked in Dairy, and Milling industry for 2 year and 6 months.


    05 Research Paper, 02 Review Article, 04 Book Chapter, UGC JRF, SRF, NIFTEM Scholarship for Ph.D.

    Food Processing Technology

    Dr. Sukh Veer Singh

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology


    Graduated from ANDUA&T, Faizabad in 2013, M.Sc. (Food Science and Technology) from Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi, in 2015 and Ph.D. (Food Science and Technology) from National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM-K), Haryana, in 2023. Qualified ASRB (ICAR) National Eligibility Test (NET) in Food Technology in 2016.

    Prior Job Experience:

    Worked as an Assistant Professor (Food Technology) at School of Life Sciences (SALS), Uttaranchal University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand for 2 months and 15 days. Worked as an Assistant Professor at Department of Food Technology, School of Food Technology and Nutrition, Loyola Academy (Degree & PG College), Secunderbad, Telangana affiliated to Osmania University, Hyderabad for 1 year and 4 months. 


    15 Research Articles, 03 Review articles, 03 Popular articles in Hindi, 10 Abstracts in conference souvenirs and 12 Book chapters.DBT fellowship during M.Sc. and institutional fellowship during Ph.D. Programme.

    Membership of Professional Bodies:

    Life time Member of Association of Food Scientists and Technologists in India (AFSTI) (Membership No: AFSTI/LM/6-2019/KUN/3258).

    Post Harvest Technology


    Dr. Amit Kumar Singh

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Qualifications: B. Sc.  (Ag.) from Post Graduate College, Ghazipur affiliated with Veer Bahadur Singh PurvanchalUniversity,   Jaunpur; M. Sc. and Ph. D. in Horticulture with    specialization in Post-Harvest Technology from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Nadia (West Bengal).

    Prior Job Experience: More than 06 years of teaching experience at Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi (U.P.) and MS Swaminathan School of Agriculture, Gajapati (Odisha) as well as 6 months of Research experience at Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi (Jharkhand).

    Publications: Research Papers 27, Book 04, Practical Manual 07, Extension Bulletin 07, Book Chapter 16

    Awards: Inspire Fellow award (DST-Govt. of India), Fellow International College of Nutrition (FICN- Moradabad), Young scientist award (BRIATS, Prayagraj), Young scientist associated award (ATDS, Ghaziabad), Research Excellence Award (SCNR, Kolkata), Best oral award (ATDS, Ghaziabad) and Best poster award (UPCAR, Lucknow).

    Agricultural Economics

    Dr. Yash Gautam

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Qualifications: B.Sc. Ag from Banaras Hindu  University; M.Sc. Ag. (Agricultural Economics) from Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University; and Ph.D (Agricultural Economics) from Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University. 

    Prior Teaching Experience: 2 years teaching experience in Diploma in Seed Technology and Marketing in Banaras Hindu University.

    Awards: UGC Research Fellowship during Ph.D. Young Scientist Award & Young Environmental Award by various organizations and Best Paper Presentation in International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture Development in Changing Global Scenario in Banaras Hindu University.

    Publications: 25 Research papers, 4 Book chapters, 2 Lead papers, 1 Laboratory Manual, and 8 Popular articles