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Vice Chancellor

Prof. S.V.S. Raju
Hon'ble Vice Chancellor
Prof. S.V.S. Raju, joined as Vice Chancellor of Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda. Prof. Raju is a renowned agricultural scientist actively engaged in managing the teaching, research and extension activities of the University. He held various administrative positions as Director, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi; Professor & Head, Department of Entomology, BHU, Varanasi; Chairman, International Centre, BHU, etc. His research specialization is Integrated insect-pest management in agricultural crops; Biological control of insect-pests of horticultural crops; Molecular mechanism of insecticide resistance and developing IRM strategies; Beekeeping and Impact of climate change on severity of agricultural pest populations. Prof. Raju is also Consulting Editor of American Bibliographical Institute, USA; Editor of Journal of Aphidology, Aphidological Society of India. He is a member of Management Committee, Board of Agricultural Sciences and Rural development, Nagaland Central University; Research Advisory Committee, ICAR-Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums, Ranchi; Management Committee, Kendriya Vidyalaya, BHU, Varanasi; University Task Force for Excellence in Research & Education, BHU; Advisory Board, World Bee Project, U.K.
He has supervised 46 M.Sc. and 19 Ph.D. students. He has completed several extramural projects on agricultural pest management. Dr. Raju published >120 research papers, 02- books several book chapters and bulletins, edited 11 books. At International level for academic & collaborative research purposes, he has visited several countries such as China, UK, France, USA, Singapore, Netherland, Switzerland, Australia, etc. He received various prestigious awards like Lifetime Achievement Award-2023 conferred by Himachal Pradesh University and Agricultural Technology Development Society, Ghaziabad; Mahima Fellow of Society Award–2022 by Mahima Research Foundation and Social Welfare, Varanasi; Outstanding Achievement Award-2021 by Jaipur National University and Agricultural Technology Development Society, Ghaziabad; T. B. Fletcher Memorial Award–2020 by Dr. B. Vasantharaj David Foundation, Chennai; Distinguished Scientist Award–2020 by Green Agri Professional Society, Jharkhand; SPS India Fellow by Society of Pesticide Science, IARI-ICAR, New Delhi India; Agriculturist Achievement Award- 2019 by University of Allahabad, Prayagraj; Dr. Anand Prakash Award-2018 by AZRA, Odisha; Eminent Scientist Award-2018 by Agro Environmental Development Society, U.P; Environmental Conservation Award-2017 by BRIATS, Allahabad; Fellow of Entomological Society of India, New Delhi, etc. He also received National Award for topping in 28th SDRC, Air Force Administrative College (AFAC), Coimbatore, 2002; Best Associate NCC Officer Award-2015, 2016 & 2017 by NCC Directorate U.P.
Prof. S.V.S. Raju Vice Chancellor BUAT, Banda
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