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Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Background & History
The Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry was started with the inception of the University i.e., March, 2010. The first under graduate batch was enrolled in academic calendar 2011-12 and since then the Department is fully operational in the fields of teaching, research and extension activities. Presently, departmental faculties are engaged in teaching under graduate (UG) Programme running in College of Agriculture, College of Horticulture and College of Forestry. The Post-Graduation (PG) programme has also been started from the academic session 2018-19 and Ph.D. The post graduate (PG) programme has operating in departments per the ICAR-Restructured and Revised Syllabi of Post-graduate Programmes 2021. Research and Extension activities are undertaken by the department as the specific need of the region. The Department has well qualified faculty members. All faculty members have obtained Ph. D. degree.
- To emerge as a global centre of excellence in teaching, research and extension in agriculture and allied sciences in the country to ensure sustained healthy food, nutrition and livelihood security.
- The university is committed to the cause of Indian agriculture through its quality teaching, demand-driven and location-specific research and extension programmes in the light of dynamism of socio-economic and agro ecological conditions, management perceptions, international trade scenarios and government policies.
- To impart quality education at graduation, post-graduation and Doctorate level in the field of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, encouraging multidisciplinary research on the fundamental and applied aspects of soils.
- To develop the holistic skill among the students of UG, PG and Doctoral degree programme towards the fascinating of Soil Science .
- To undertake basic strategic research in soil science for enhancement of the soil productivity of the region.
- To established the required infrastructure to conduct location specific research and quality education in the field of soil science and allied sciences.
Facilities For Students:
- Classrooms-cum seminar hall (1 of 30 capacity)
- Classrooms (1 of 20 capacity)
- Laboratory (4 of 25 capacity)

Soil Chemical analysis facility for UG Students:
- Weighing balance, Spectrophotometer, EC meter, pH meter, distillation assembly, Flame photometer, Hot Air Oven, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer.
Soil Chemical analysis facility for M.Sc & Ph.D students:
- pH meter, EC meter, Spectrophotometer, Weighing Balance, Incubator, Mechanical Shaker, Hot Air Oven, Distillation assembly, Glass nitrogen distillation assembly.
Soil Physical analysis facility:
- Weighing balance, Hot Air Oven, Sieves, Pycnometer, Core sampler, Auger, Hydrometer, Mechanical stirrer , Infiltrometer & Munsell colour chart
Central Lab Facility:
- CHNS Analyzer
- Microbiology lab. , ICP MS, GC MS-MS
Instruments available in the Departmental labs:

- Restructured and Revised Syllabi of Post-graduate Programmes as per 19 BSMA (2021) Vol. 2, Physical Sciences – Soil Science
- CourseTitlewithCreditLoad (w.e.f. Academic Session 2022-23)
M.Sc. in Soil Science:
Course Code | Course Title Credit | Credit Hours |
Soil501* | Soil Physics | 3(2+1) |
Soil502* | Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Use | 4(3+1) |
Soil503* | Soil Chemistry | 3(2+1) |
Soil504* | Soil Mineralogy, Genesis and Classification | 3(2+1) |
Soil505 | Soil Erosion and Conservation | 3(2+1) |
Soil506 | Soil Biology and Biochemistry | 3(2+1) |
Soil507 | Radioisotopes in Soil and Plant Studies | 2(1+1) |
Soil508 | Soil, Water and Air Pollution | 3(2+1) |
Soil509 | Remote Sensing and GIS Technique for Soil Water and Crop Studies | 3(2+1) |
Soil510 | Analytical Technique and Instrumental Methods in Soil and Plant Analysis | 2(0+2) |
Soil511 | Management of Problem Soils and Water | 3(2+1) |
Soil512 | Land Degradation and Restoration | 1(1+0) |
Soil513 | Soil Survey and Land Use Planning | 2(2+0) |
Soil514 | Introduction to Nanotechnology | 3(2+1) |
Soil591 | Master’s Seminar | 1(1+0) |
Soil599 | Master’s Research | 30at |
- Course Title with Credit Load (w.e.f. Academic Session 2022-23) Ph.D. in Soil Science
CourseCode | CourseTitle | CreditHours |
Soil601 | RecentTrends inSoilPhysics | 2(2+0) |
Soil602 | ModernConcept inSoilFertility | 2(2+0) |
Soil603* | PhysicalChemistry ofSoil | 2(2+0) |
Soil604* | SoilGenesis andMicromorphology | 2(2+0) |
Soil605 | BiochemistryofSoilOrganicMatter | 2(2+0) |
Soil606 | SoilResourceManagement | 3(3+0) |
Soil607 | ModellingofSoilPlantSystem | 2(2+0) |
Soil608 | ClayMineralogy | 3(2+1) |
Soil609 | RecentTrendsinSoilMicrobialBiodiversity | 3(2+1) |
Soil610 | Researchand Publication Ethics | 2(2+0) |
Soil691 | DoctoralSeminar | 1(1+0) |
Soil692 | DoctoralSeminar | 1(1+0) |
Soil699 | DoctoralResearch | 75 |
- List of research projects Completed/On-going Projects:
Sr. No. | Title of the Project | Faculty Involved | Funding Agency | Budget (Rs. in lakhs) |
Externally Funded Projects (On-going) | ||||
1. | Centre of excellence on dryland agriculture with focus on pulses and oilseed crop. | Dr.JagannathPathak (Co-PI) | RKVY Dept. of Agri. (U. P.) | 500.60 |
2. | Establishment of Central Laboratory facilities at BUAT, Banda | Dr. A. K. Chaubey (Co-PI) | RKVY Dept. of Agri. (U. P.) | 975 |
3. | Digital Mapping of Soil Fertility of district Banda using Geo-statistics and Machine Learning | Dr. A. K. Chaubey (Co-PI) | UP-CST | 11.0 |
University Funded Projects (On-going) | ||||
4. | Assessment and management of residues of agro-chemicals used in agricultural lands | Dr.JagannathPathak (Co-PI) | In-House Project (BUAT) | 9.0 |
5. | Assessment of spatial variability and soil characterization of various research farm and KVK of BUAT, Banda | Dr.Deo Kumar (PI) | In-House Project (BUAT) | 5.0 |
6. | Standardization and Popularization of Natural Farming for economic empowerment in Bundelkhand region | Dr.Deo Kumar (Co-PI) | In-House Project (BUAT) | 5.0 |
Completed Projects | ||||
International | ||||
7. | Evaluation of Poly 4 as source of multi nutrients and optimization of doses on chickpea in Bundelkhand region of India | Dr.JagannathPathak (PI); Co-PIs: Dr. A.K. Chaubey, Dr.DeoKumar, Dr. J.K. Tiwari, Dr.Amit Mishra | Sirius Minerals Plcs (U.K.) | 35562 USD ($) |
8. | Evaluation of POLY4 mineral as plant nutrients source in Brinjal (Solanummelongena L.) and Green Pea (Pisumsativum L.). | Dr.JagannathPathak (PI) | Sirius Minerals Plcs (U.K.) | 9.0 |
9. | Improved crop management and strengthened seed supply system for drought prone rainfed low land in South Asia | Dr.Amit Mishra (Co-PI) | IRRI | 2.8 |
10. | Survey of Rice Growers | Dr.Amit Mishra (Co-PI) | CSISA | 1.0 |
11. | Studies to evaluate the response of Rabi onion to Granu Potash as source of potash in heavy textured soils of Banda district of Uttar Pradesh | Dr.A.K. Chaubey (PI), Dr.Amit Mishra (Co-PI) | Tessenderlo Group, Troonsraat | 6.5 |
National | ||||
12. | Evaluation of Nano -fertilizers in wheat based cropping system | Dr.JagannathPathak (PI) &Dr. J.K. Tiwari (Co-PI) | IFFCO India | 3.0 |
13. | Evaluation of efficacy of concentrated liquid solution of sulphur (Yara Vita Thiotrac) in Rapeseed & Mustard | Dr.Amit Mishra (Co-PI) | YARA Fertilizers India Pvt. Ltd. | 3.5 |
14. | Development of Farm for seed production and research | Dr.Amit Mishra (Co-PI) | RKVY | 748 |
15. | Evaluation of Humic acid (Liquid formulation)5 G in Paddy | Dr.Amit Mishra (PI) | IPL Biologicals | 2.0 |
16. | Evaluation of Iron and Sulphur enriched Seaweed (Granular form) Siron in Mustard | Dr.Amit Mishra (PI) | IPL Biologicals | 2.0 |
17. | Evaluation of consortium of PGPR (Microbial based liquid formulation) Premium Suraksha in kharif tomato | Dr. A. K. Chaubey (Co-PI) | IPL Biologicals | 2.0 |
18. | Development of Soil fertility thematic maps of secondary and micronutrients of Kanwara minor lift canal command area in Banda district of Bundelkhand | Dr. J. Pathak (PI) ,Dr.A.KChaubey (Co-PI) &Dr.Amit Mishra (Co-PI) | In-House Project (BUAT) | 0.10 |
19. | Development of Soil fertility thematic maps of BUAT, Banda University Farms | Dr. J. Pathak (PI) ,Dr.A.KChaubey (Co-PI) &Dr.Amit Mishra (Co-PI) | In-House Project (BUAT) | 0.10 |
Employment Record of M.Sc. & Ph.D. student’s :
Sr. No. | Name of student | Batch | Post | Organization | Contact | |
1. | Mr. Amar Singh | 2018 | Technical Assistant | Department of Agriculture U.P. | +91-8279766546 | |
2. | Km. SandhyaFariya | 2018 | Senior Technical Assistant | Department of Agriculture U.P. | +91-7054225884 | |
3. | Dr.Shivam Singh | 2018 | Guest Teaching Faculty | S.V.P.U.A.&T., Meerut | +91-9519940517 | |
4. | Mr Atul Kumar Singh | 2021 | Sales Officer | MaaDayalu Fertilizers and Chemical Ltd. | +91-829942202 | |
5. | Dr.Amar Singh Gaur | 2020 | Guest Teaching Faculty | JananayakChandrashekhar University, Balia | +91-8181818095 | |
6. | Mr Ashutosh Kumar | 2021 | Senior Technical Assistant | Department of Agriculture U.P. | +91-9198527747 |
List of Students who got Academic Medal:
Sr. No. | Name of student | Id. No. | Batch | Recognition | Year |
1. | Mr.ChandrakantChaubey | 1024 | 2018 | Vice Chancellor’s Silver Medal | 2020 |
2. | Miss Ranu Mishra | 2040 | 2021 | Vice Chancellor’s Gold Medal | 2023 |
3. | Miss RichaRaghuvanshi | 2039 | 2021 | Vice Chancellor’s Bronze Medal | 2023 |
List of M.Sc. Students Who got Admission in Ph.D.
Sr. No. | Name of student | Id. No. | Batch | Year of admission in Ph.D. | University in which got admission |
1. | Dr.Shivam Singh | 1023 | 2018 | 2020 | S.V.P.U.A.&T., Meerut |
2. | Mr.Chandrakant Chaubey | 1024 | 2018 | 2021 | S.V.P.U.A.&T., Meerut |
3. | Mr.Veerendra Singh | 1376 | 2019 | 2021 | CSAUA&T, Kanpur |
4. | Mr.Suraj Mishra | 1702 | 2020 | 2022 | BUAT, Banda |
5. | Mr.Anurag Singh Suman | 1704 | 2020 | 2022 | BUAT, Banda |
6. | Miss Saniya Syed | 1705 | 2020 | 2022 | BUAT, Banda |
7. | Miss Ranu Mishra | 2040 | 2021 | 2023 | BHU, Varanasi |
8. | Miss Richa Raghuvanshi | 2039 | 2021 | 2023 | BHU, Varanasi |
9. | Vishal Singh | 2364 | 2022 | 2024 | ANDUAT,Ayodhya |
10. | Vikas Kumar | 2365 | 2022 | 2024 | ANDUAT,Ayodhya |
11. | Priyanka Yadav | 2368 | 2022 | 2024 | ANDUAT,Ayodhya |
List of NET Examination qualified Students:
Sr. No. | Name of student | Id. No. | PG/Ph.D. | Batch |
1. | Dr.Shivam Singh | 1023 | PG | 2018 |
2. | Miss Richa Raghuvanshi | 2039 | PG | 2021 |
3. | Mr.Deepak Prajapati | 2082 | Ph.D. | 2021 |
4. | Mr.Ashutosh Kumar | 2081 | Ph.D. | 2021 |
List of Students who got Award:
Sr. No. | Name of student | Id. No. | Batch | Award/Recognition | Year |
1. | Dr.Shivam Singh | 1023 | 2018 | Best M.Sc. Thesis Award | 2020 |
2. | Mr.Chandrakant Chaubey | 1024 | 2018 | Best M.Sc. Thesis Award | 2020 |
3. | Mr.Veerendra Singh | 1376 | 2019 | Best M.Sc. Thesis Award | 2022 |

Academic Info
- Administration Profile
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