

Genetics and Plant Breeding

Dr. Mukul Kumar

Dr. Kamaluddin

Dr. Shalesh Kumar Singh

Dr. Vijay Sharma

Dr. Chandra Mohan Singh

Dr. Hitesh Kumar


About the Department:

Genetics and Plant Breeding is prime department at Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda engage in teaching, research, and extension activitiescame into existence in 2010. The main mandate of the department is to impart quality teaching to under-graduate and post-graduate& doctoral students. The department has highly qualified faculty with doctoral and post-doctoral research experience in the current areas of Genetics and Plant Breeding and Seed Science.Department has initiated research activities to develop climate resilient high yielding varieties with resistance/tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses and to produce good quality seeds mainly in pulses, oilseed, cereals and millet crops suited to Bundelkhand region. The department has completed 11 research projects and currently the department has 12 research and development projects, 7 AICRPs and 7 collaborative research programmes. Under the collaborative research effort from faculty of the department and AICRP, one variety in sesame, BUAT Til-1 and three in linseed, BUAT Alsi-3, BUAT Alsi-4 and BUAT Alsi-5 has been released. Four potential genotypes as donors for linseed bud flyresistanthave also been registered. Faculty members of the department also have active participation in various extension activities likepopularization and transfer of technology programmes through frontline field demonstrations (FLD’s), Farmers Fair, Scientist-farmer’s interaction &Farmers Trainings etc.The PG programme of Department is accredited by ICAR, New Delhi with ‘A’ grade.




Infrastructure with Facilities/Equipment’s:

Sr. No.FacilityFacilities/Equipment’s
1P.G. Class roomEnable with interactive smart board.
2Seminar HallEnabled with Wi-Fi and Projector.
3Genetics LaboratoryMonocular Microscope, Stereo Microscopes, Refrigerator, Water Baths, pH meter.
4Seed Technology LabPurity Work Board, Seed Germinator, Hot Air Oven, Seed Grader- Lab Model, Electric Scarifier, Grinding Mill- Lab Model, Seed Sample Divider, Monocular Microscope, Moisture Meter, Aspirator, Seed Blower, Seed Herbarium, Seed Counter, Electronic balance.
4Molecular Breeding LaboratoryDeep Freezer (-80oC), Water bath, Microvolume Spectrophotometer, RT-PCR with accessories, Thermal cycler, Ultrapure Water Purification System, Non-Refrigerated Centrifuge, Refrigerated Centrifuge, Vertical Gel Electrophoresis, Microwave Oven, Gel Documentation Syste, Ice flaker, Laminar Air Flow Cabinet.
5Abiotic Stress LabSpectrometers UV/ visible, Conductivity meter, Tensiometer, Non-destructive Root Imager, Plant growth chambers, Green seeker (NDVI sensor), Kjeldahl Digestion and Distillation unit, Portable leaf area meter, Infrared thermometer.
6Farm FacilityFarm area of 3.5 ha for research trials of students& projects, Movable Rainout Shelter, Hi-tech Green house, Shed Net House, Sprinkler irrigation, Advanced phenotyping facility, Salt Screening plots, Wild hybridization garden.
7Common Central LaboratoryA well-equipped instrumental unit under Central lab facility is being utilized to carry out lab work related to PG & PhD research.


The Department offers courses of Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Technology at three levels i.e. B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture, M.Sc. (Ag.) and Ph.D. to the students with the present intake capacity.

Degree Programme


Intake capacity

Year of start

B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture




M.Sc. (Ag.)








The students under P.G. and Ph.D. programme are admitted through Uttar Pradesh Combined Agriculture and Technology Entrance Test (UPCATET), which is notified in the month of March onwards in every year.

Course CurriculumAdopted                   

  • Undergraduate – As per Fifth Deans Committee.
  • Postgraduate & Ph.D. – As per 19th BSMA, ICAR, New Delhi.


Course work

Minimum credit hours offered




Major courses (Genetics & Plant Breeding)




Minor courses (Plant Biotechnology/ Biochemistry)



Supporting courses (Statistics/Plant Physiology/ Plant Pathology)



Common courses (Non-Gradial compulsory)





Thesis research and External Evaluation







The following courses are offered by the department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture for under-graduate, post-graduate and doctoral programme of Genetics & Plant Breeding.

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hour

A. Regular Courses

AGP 121

Fundamental of Genetics


AGP 211

Principles of Plant Breeding


AGP 221

Principles of Seed Technology


AGP 311

Crop Improvement-I (Kharif)


AGP 321

Crop Improvement-II (Rabi)


ASS 311

Intellectual Property Right


B. Course included as Elective may opt either in 4th or 5th Semester

AGP 322

Commercial Plant Breeding


Course Code Course Title Credit Hour
Major Compulsory Courses of 13 credits + 30 research credits
GPB 501 Principles of Genetics 3 (2+1)
GPB502 Principles of Plant Breeding 3 (2+1)
GPB503 Fundamentals of Quantitative Genetics 3 (2+1)
GPB506 Molecular Breeding and Bioinformatics 3 (2+1)
GPB 591 Seminar 1+0
GPB 599 Thesis/ Research 0+30
Major Optional Courses of Choice Based of minimum 8 course credits
GPB504 Varietal Development and Maintenance Breeding 2 (1+1)
GPB505 Principles of Cytogenetics 3 (2+1)
GPB507 Breeding for Quality and Special Traits 3 (2+1)
GPB508 Mutagenesis and Mutation Breeding 3 (2+1)
GPB509 Hybrid Breeding 3 (2+1)
GPB510 Seed Production and Certification 2 (1+1)
GPB511 Crop Breeding-I (Kharif Crops) 3 (2+1)
GPB512 Crop Breeding-II (Rabi Crops) 3 (2+1)
GPB513 Breeding Vegetable Crops 3 (2+1)
GPB514 Breeding Fruit Crops 3 (2+1)
GPB515 Breeding Ornamental Crops 3 (2+1)
GPB516 Breeding for Stress Resistance and Climate Change 3 (2+1)
GPB517 Germplasm Characterization and Evaluation 2 (1+1)
GPB518 Genetic enhancement for PGR Utilization 2 (1+1)
Minor Courses- Choice Based Courses of minimum 8 credits from Plant Biotechnology discipline)
MBB 501 Principles of Biotechnology 3 (3+0)
MBB 502 Fundamentals of Molecular Biology 3 (3+0)
MBB 503 Molecular Cell Biology 3 (3+0)
MBB 504 Techniques in Molecular Biology-I 3 (0+3)
MBB 506 Plant Genetic Engineering 3 (3+0)
MBB 509 Plant Tissue Culture 3 (2+1)
Supporting courses- Choice Based Courses of minimum 6 credits from discipline of Statistics/Plant Physiology/Biochemistry disciplines
STAT 502 Statistical Method for Applied Sciences 4 (3+1)
STAT 511 Experimental Design 3 (2+1)
PP 504 Physiological and Molecular Responses of Plants to Abiotic Stress 3 (2+1)
BIOCHEM 501 Basic Biochemistry 4 (3+1)
Common Compulsory courses- Non-Gradial
PGS 501 Library and Information Services 1 (0+1)
PGS 502 Technical Writing and Communication Skills 1 (0+1)
PGS 503 Intellectual Property and Management in Agriculture 1 (1+0)
PGS 504 Basic Concepts in laboratory Techniques 1 (0+1)
PGS 505 Agriculture Research, Research Ethics and Rural Development Programmes 1 (1+0)
Total minimum requirement 70 credits
Course Code Course Title Credit Hour
Major Compulsory Courses of 14 credits + 75 research credits
GPB 601 Advances in Plant Breeding Systems 3(3+0)
GPB 602 Advances in Biometrical Genetics 3(2+1)
GPB 605 Genomics in Plant Breeding 3(3+0)
GPB 608 Breeding Designer Crops 2(1+1)
GPB 609 IPR and Regulatory Mechanism (e-course) 1(1+0)
GPB 691 Seminar I 1+0
GPB 692 Seminar II 1+0
GPB 699 Thesis/ Research 75
Optional Courses
GPB 603 Molecular Cytogenetics for Crop Improvement 2(2+0)
GPB 604 Plant Genetic Resources, Conservation and Utilization 2(2+0)
GPB 606 Population Genetics 2(2+0)
GPB 607 Crop Evolution 3(3+0)
Minor Courses- Choice Based Courses of minimum 6 credits from Plant Biotechnology discipline)
MBB 601 Plant Molecular Biology 3(3+0)
MBB 604 Commercial Plant Tissue Culture 1(2+0)
MBB 606 RNA Biology 1(1+0)
MBB 602 Plant Genome Engineering 3(3+0)
MBB 603 Plant Omics and Molecular Breeding 3(3+0)
MBB 605 Plant Microbe interaction 2(2+0)
MBB 607 Plant Hormones and Signaling 2(2+0)
MBB 608 Computational and Statistical tools in Biotechnology 3(2+1)
Supporting courses- Choice Based Courses of minimum 5 credits from discipline of Statistics/Plant Physiology/Biochemistry disciplines
BIOCHEM 501 Basic Biochemistry 4(3+1)
STAT 502 Statistical Methods for Applied Sciences 4(3+1)
STAT 511 Experimental Design 3(2+1)
PP 504 Physiological and Molecular Responses of Plants to Abiotic Stresses 3(2+1)
PP 505 Hormonal Regulation of Plant Growth and Development 3(2+1)
PP 510 Seed Physiology 3(2+1)
Total minimum requirement 100 credits
  • ICT enabled tools (Wi-Fi enabled interactive board& projector).
  • Internet enabled seminar hall.
  • Delivering of synopsis of research problems.
  • Delivering the subject topic through seminar.
  • Student-advisor interaction on course and research area of work.
  • ICT facility in the University Library for E-book, e- Journal through J- Gate, e-Journal through CeRA Consortia, ShodhShidhu and URKUND.

Student Learning Activities:

The teaching learning activities based on laboratory and field is provided to students as per the need of the courses.

Co-Curricular Activities:

Student Publication & Participatory Learning:



Student Name & Id. No.

Thesis Title

Year of Passing: 2020


Mr. Anuj Mishra

(Id No. 1014)

Multivariate Analysis for deciphering genetic variation in Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.)


Mr. Ram Kishor

(Id No. 1015)

Genetic Analysis of Yield and its Attributing Traits in Lentil (Lens culinaris L. Medik)


Mr. Amit Kumar

(Id No. 1016)

Characterizationofgermplasmandinter-relationshipstudiesbasedonagro-morphologicaltraits in chickpea(CicerarietinumL.)


Mr. Vijay Pratap

(Id No. 1017)

Genetic Analysis of Quantitative Traits in Field Pea (Pisum sativum L.)

Year of Passing: 2021


Mr. Anupam Tripathi

(Id No. 1366)

Morphological, Biochemical and Molecular Characterization of Blackgram (Vigna Mungo L. Hepper) Genotypes for Yellow Mosaic Disease Resistance


Mr. Sandip Kumar (Id No. 1367)

Evaluation of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) genotypes for drought tolerance


Mr. Anuj Kumar

(Id No. 1368)

Character association and genetic divergence studies for yield and yield related traits in pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L. Millspaugh)


Mr. Saksham Mishra (Id No. 1369)

Study of Genetic variation in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) germplasm panel for physiological and productivity-related traits


Mr. Yashwant Singh Seepal (Id No. 1370)

Evaluation of field pea (Pisum sativum var. arvense L.) germplasm for terminal heat tolerance

Year of Passing: 2022


Mr. Pawan Kumar Prajapati (Id No. 1693)

Heterosis and combining ability for yield and its contributing traits in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.)


Mr. Deepak Kumar

(Id No. 1694)

Characterization of lentil genotypes for yield components and terminal heat stress tolerance traits


Mr. Shubham Kumar (Id No. 1695)

Assessment of combined terminal heat and drought stress tolerance in wheat (Triticum spp.)


Ms. Indu Yadav

(Id No. 1696)

Studies onheterosis and combining ability in field pea (Pisum sativum var. arvense)


Mr. Sandeep Kumar (Id No. 1697)

Characterization of wild Vigna species for seedling waterlogging tolerance as revealed by physio-chemical and expression profiling.

Year of Passing: 2023


Mr. Vijay Kumar Kushwaha

(Id No. 2030)

Genetic Diversity in Finger Millet (Eleusine Coracana L.) Genotype using SCoT Markers


Ms. Pragya Jee

(Id No. 2031)

Morphological and molecular characterization of wild and cultivated Vigna species for domestication related traits.


Mr. Satyam Singh

(Id No. 2033)

Morphological and physiological responses of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes under heat & drought stress environment


Mr. Satyendra

(Id No. 2032)

Morphological, Biochemical and Molecular Characterization of Field Pea (Pisum sativum var. arvense)

Year of Passing: 2024


Ms. Mansi Shukla

(Id No. 2345)

Salicylic acid induced biochemical and molecular responses of blackgram and its two wild relatives upon MYMIV infection.


Mr. Shivendra Singh (Id No. 2346)

Assessment of genetic variability and molecular characterization of promising genotypes in field pea (Pisum sativum L. var. arvense)


Mr. Chandragupt Maurya (Id No. 2348)

Exogenous application of non-protein amin acids for improving osmotic stress tolerance in Black gram.


Ms. Isha Ojha

(Id No. 2349)

Screening of Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana L.) Germplasm for Resistance to Blast disease


Mr. Nikhil Kumar

(Id No. 2350)

Genetic Variability of Quantitative Traits in mutant lines of indian mustard (Brassica Juncea L.)


Ms. Shakshi

(Id No. 2351)

Assessment of Genetic variability in mid- early duration pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.)


Mr. Harsh Jainth

(Id No. 2352)

Elucidating the morpho-physiological and biochemical changes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes under terminal heat stress condition

Sr. No.

Title of the Project

Faculty Involved

Funding Agency


(Rs. in lakhs)

Externally Funded Projects (On-going)


Centre of excellence on dryland agriculture with focus on pulses and oilseed crop.

Dr. Mukul Kumar (PI)

Dr. Kamaluddin (Co-PI)

Dr. Hitesh Kumar (Co-PI)

Dr. Vijay Sharma (Co-PI)

Dr. C.M. Singh (Co-PI)

Department of agricultural research and education, Government of Uttar Pradesh.

500.60 lakh


Identification and characterization of Powdery mildew (Erysiphe cruciferarum) resistance using existing and novel mutant population of indian mustard (Brasssica juncea)

Dr. S.K. Singh (CI)





Germplasm Identification for quality preferential traits and value addition in minor millets in Bundelkhand region

Dr. Kamaluddin (PI)


U.P. Council of Agricultural Research, Lucknow

34.62 Lakh


Screening and identification of suitable genotype(s) of sesame for water logging conditions

Dr. Vijay Sharma (PI)

Dr. Kamaluddin (Co-PI)

Dr. Hitesh Kumar (Co-PI)

U.P. Council of Agricultural Research, Lucknow

23.40 Lakh


Strengthening of seed processing and storage infrastructure”

Dr. S.K. Singh (PI)



367.50 Lakh


One IRRI-NARES breeding network Project

Dr. S.K. Singh (PI)



12.45 Lakh


Strengthening of Research Farms for effective research and quality seed production”

Dr. S.K. Singh (PI)



215.80 Lakh


Leaveraging genetic resources for accelerated genetic improvement of linseed using comprehensive genomics and phenotyping approaches

Dr. C M Singh (PI)

DBT, New Delhi

1.0 Cr


Dissecting the potential of BYMV and OeLCuV resistance in Okra through phenotyping and RNA-seq approaches

Dr. C M Singh (PI)

Council of Science and Technology, UP

13.86 Lakh


Strengthening of research farm for effective research and quality seed production

Dr. S.K. Singh (PI)


215.80 Lakh


Enhancing pigeonpea production and productivity in India by promoting high-yielding early maturing varieties and hybrids (ICRISAT Network Project)

Dr. Hitesh Kumar (PI)


39.00 lakhs


Identification and characterization of potential pigeonpea genotype for water logging tolerance using combinatorial omics approaches(Collaborative Project NIPB, New Delhi)

Dr. Hitesh Kumar (PI)

U.P. Council of Agricultural Research, Lucknow

24.97 lakhs

AICRPs (On-going)


All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Breeding Trials on MULLaRP

Dr. Mukul Kumar (PI)

Dr. Kamaluddin (Co-PI)

Dr. C.M. Singh (Co-PI)


Yearly contingency


All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Breeding Trials on Pigeonpea

Dr. Hitesh Kumar (PI)


Yearly contingency


All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Rapeseed-Mustard

Dr. S.K. Singh (Co-PI)


DRMR Bharatpur


Yearly contingency


All India Co-ordinated Research Project on  Sesame

Dr. Vijay Sharma (Co-PI)

PC Unit, AICRP S & N, Jabalpur

Yearly contingency


All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Linseed

Dr. C.M. Singh (Co-PI)

ICAR, IIOR, Hyderabad

Yearly contingency


All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Wheat

Dr. Vijay Sharma (PI)

Dr. Mukul Kumar (Co-PI)


Yearly contingency


All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Barley

Dr. Mukul Kumar (PI)

Dr. Vijay Sharma (Co-PI)


Yearly contingency

Collaborative Research Programme (On-going)


Evaluation of mutant lines of wheat under Bundelkhand region.

Dr. Vijay Sharma

BARC, Mumbai

University grant


Evaluation of mutant lines of mustard under Bundelkhand region.

Dr. S.K. Singh

BARC, Mumbai

University grant


Evaluation off fix advance lines of desi and kabuli chickpea

Dr. Hitesh Kumar


University grant


IRRI Sponsored Trial of Rice

Dr. S.K. Singh (PI)



University grant


Evaluation of elite lines durum wheat under Bundelkhand region.

Dr. Vijay Sharma

FLRP-ICARDA, Amlaha, Sehore

University grant


Evaluation of elite lines barley under Bundelkhand region.

Dr. Mukul Kumar

FLRP-ICARDA, Amlaha, Sehore

University grant


Improving the adaptability and productivity of millets in U.P.

Dr. Kamaluddin (Co-PI)

U.P. Council of Agricultural Research, Lucknow

23.04 Lakh

Completed Projects


Implementing genomics approaches for breeding high yielding Mungbean genotypes with enhanced resistance to YMV.

Dr. C.M. Singh (PI)

DST, New Delhi

22.0 lakh


Evaluation of Quantis (product of natural origin) for use in Wheat for supporting plant growth & Yield Enhancement

Dr. Hitesh Kumar (Co-PI)


Syngenta Pvt. Ltd.

2.0 Lakhs


Evaluation of Quantis (product of natural origin) for use in blackgram for supporting plant growth &Yield Enhancement

Dr. C M Singh (Co-PI)


Syngenta Pvt. Ltd.

2.0 lakh


All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Breeding Trials on Maize

Dr. Vijay Sharma (PI)

ICAR-IIMR, Ludhiana

Yearly contingency


Establishment of laboratory to identify abiotic stress tolerant plant genotypes suitable for cultivation in Bundelkhand region

Dr. Hitesh Kumar (PI)

Dr. Vijay Sharma (Co-PI)



76.50 lakh


Genetic enhancement for terminal heat tolerance in bread wheat through conventional and molecular approach

Dr. Hitesh Kumar (PI)


U.P. Council of Agricultural Research, Lucknow

Rs. 31.50 lakhs


Development of multiple disease resistant urdbean varieties for Bundelkhand region

Dr. C M Singh (PI)

Dr. Mukul Kumar (Co-PI)


U.P. Council of Agricultural Research, Lucknow

14.095 lakh


Breeding of Finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) for high productivity to ensure food and nutritional security in Uttar Pradesh”

Dr. Kamaluddin (PI)

Dr. Vijay Sharma (Co-PI)

Dr. C M Singh (Co-PI)


U.P. Council of Agricultural Research, Lucknow

17.05 Lakh


Evaluation of sorghum genotypes for fodder yield. (Collaborative Experiment)

Dr. Kamaluddin (Co-PI)

ICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad

University grant


Establishment of central lab facility

Dr. C.M. Singh (Co-PI)


9.6 Cr


Development of research and seed production farm

Dr. C.M. Singh (Co-PI)


7.0 Cr



Research Articles under High-impact Journals (NAAS >6):


Pratap A, Prajapati U, Singh CM, Gupta S, Ratrhore M, Malviya N, Tomar R, Gupta AK, Tripathi S, Singh NP. 2018. Potential constraints and applications of in vitro methods in improving grain legumes. Plant Breeding. 137:235–249. DOI: 10.1111/pbr.12590. (NAAS: 7.50)


Chakraborty, D., Kumar, Mukul,Wangchu, L., Singh, S. and Pandey, A.K. 2019. Genetic diversity among landraces of cucumber (Cucumissativus L.) from Northeast India. Bangladesh J. Botany, 48(3): 481-488. (NAAS: 6.40)


Sharma, Vijay, Dodiya, N.S., Dubey, R.B. and Khan, R. 2019. Combining ability analysis in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum (L.) Em. Thell) under different environmental conditions. Bangladesh J. Bot. 48(1): 85-93. (NAAS: 6.40)


Sharma, Vijay, Dubey, R.B. and Khan, R. 2019. Genotype-environment interaction on stability of grain yield and physio-biochemical traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Bangladesh J. Bot. 48(4): 1143-1151. (NAAS: 6.40)


Pratap, A.; Gupta, S.; Nair, R.M.; Gupta, S.K.; Schafleitner, R.; Basu, P.S.; Singh, C.M.; Prajapati, U.; Gupta, A.K.; Nayyar, H.; Mishra, A.K.; Baek, K.H. 2019. Using Plant Phenomics to Exploit the Gains of Genomics. Agronomy 9, 126. (NAAS: 9.30)


Singh CM, Singh P, Pratap A, Pandey R, Purwar S, Vibha, Douglas CA, Beak KH, Mishra AK. 2020. Breeding for enhancing Legumovirus resistance in mungbean. Agronomy, 9, 622. (NAAS: 9.30)


Kumar R, Singh CM, Arya M, Kumar R, Mishra SB, Singh UK, Paswan SK. 2020. Investigating stress indices to discriminate the physiologically efficient genotypes of mungbean. Legume Res., 43, 43-49.(NAAS: 6.80)


Khan, R., Ranwah, B.R., Sharma, Vijay and Khandagale, S. 2020. Combining ability analysis for grain and fodder traits in sorghum (Sorghumbicolor (L.) Moench). Bangladesh J. Bot., 49(3): 487-497. (NAAS: 6.40)


Sharma, Vijay and Kamaluddin. 2020. Heterosis for yield and physio-biochemical traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under different environmental conditions. Bangladesh J. Bot., 49(3): 515-520. (NAAS: 6.40)


Singh, C.M., Pratap, A., Gupta, S., Revanappa, S.B., Singh, N.P. 2020. Association mapping for MYMIV resistance in mungbean. 3 Biotech, 10:1-12.https://doi.org/10.1007/s13205-019-2035-7. (NAAS: 8.60)


Kumar, A., Kumar, Hitesh, Sharma, Vijay and Kamaluddin 2021. Estimation of Genetic Parameters, Selection Indices and Association Analysis of Seed Yield and Its Component Traits in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Legume Research.doi:10.18805/LR-4506(NAAS: 6.80)


Pratap, V., Sharma, Vijay, Kamaluddin, Shukla, G. 2021. Assessment of Genetic Variability and Relationship between Different Quantitative Traits in Field Pea (Pisum sativum var. arvense) Germplasm. Legume Research. doi:10.18805/LR-4610(NAAS: 6.80)


Pratap, V., Sharma, Vijay, Kumar, Hitesh, Kamaluddin, Shukla, G., Kumar, Mukul. 2021. Multivariate Analysis of Quantitative Traits in Field pea (Pisumsativum var. arvense). Legume Research. doi:10.18805/LR-4604(NAAS: 6.80)


Dhutmal, R., Maloo, S.R., More, A.W., Sharma, Vijay, Anu and Singh, V.K. 2021. Study of genetic diversity using molecular markers in sunflower (Helianthus annuus). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 91 (7): 1058–62. (NAAS: 6.30)


Singh, P., Mishra, A.K., Singh C. M. (2021). Genome-wide identification and characterization of Lectin receptor-like kinase (LecRLK) genes in mungbean. J. Appl. Genet. (springer). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13353-021-00613-8. (NAAS: 8.00)


Singh, C.M., Prajapati, U., Gupta, S., Pratap, A. (2021). Microsatellite based association mapping for agronomic traits in mungbean. Journal of Genetics. 100:87. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12041-021-01336-9(NAAS: 7.40)


Singh, C.M., Singh, P., Tiwari, C., Purwar, S., Kumar, M., Pratap, A., Singh, S., Chugh, V. and Mishra, A. K. (2021). Improving drought tolerance in mungbean: Morpho-physiological, biochemical and molecular perspectives. Agronomy. 11: 1534 https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11081534(NAAS: 9.30)


Srivastava, A., Sharma, V., Kaushik, P., El-Sheikh, M.A., Qadir, S. and Mansoor, S. (2022). Effect of silicon application with mycorrhizal inoculation on Brassica juncea cultivated under water stress. PLOS ONE 17(4): e0261569. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0261569(NAAS: 8.90)


Seepal, Y.S., Sharma, V., Singh, C.M., Shukla, G., Gangwar, V., Kamaluddin and Singh, S.K. (2022). Application of Stress Indices to Identify Terminal Heat Tolerance Genotype in Field Pea (Pisum sativum var. arvense). Legume Research. doi: 10.18805/LR-4888. (NAAS: 6.80)


Kumar, Amit, Kumar, H., Singh, C.M., Kumar, M., Sharma, V., Kumar, S. and Panwar, G.S. (2022). Multivariate Analysis for Elucidating Genetic Diversity of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Germplasm using Agro-morphological Traits. Legume Research, DOI: 10.18805/LR-4956. (NAAS: 6.80)


Singh, C.M., Kumar, M., Pratap, A., Tripathi, A., Singh, S., Mishra, A., Kumar, H., Nair, R.M. and Singh, N.P. (2022). Genome-Wide Analysis of Late Embryogenesis Abundant Protein Gene Family in Vigna Species and Expression of VrLEA Encoding Genes in Vigna glabrescens Reveal Its Role in Heat Tolerance. Front. Plant Sci. 13:843107. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.843107 (NAAS: 10.10)


Singh, P., Pandey, B., Pratap, A., Gyaneshwari, U., Nair, R. M., Mishra, A. K. and Singh, C. M. (2022). Genetic and genomics Resources of Cross-Species Vigna Gene Pools Improving Biotic resistance in Mungbean (Vignaradiata L. Wilczek). Agronomy, 2(12): 3000 (https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12123000. (NAAS: 9.30)


Parihar, A.K., Gupta, S., Hazra, K.K., Lamichaney, A., Singh, D., Kumar, R., Singh, A.K., Vaishnavi, R., Jaberson, M.S., Das, S.P. and Dev, J.,Yadav, R.K., Jamwal, B.S., Choudhary, B.R., Khedar, O.P., Prakash, V., Dikshit, H.K., Panwar, R.K., Katiyar, M., Kumar, P., Mahto, C.S., Borah, H.K., Singh, M.N., Das, A., Patil, A.N., Nanda, H.C., Kumar, V., Rajput, S.D., Chauhan, D.A., Patel, M.H., Kanwar, R.R., Kumar, J., Mishra, S.P., Kumar, H., Swarup, I., Mogali, S., Kumaresan, D., Manivannan, N., Gowda, M.B., Pandiyan, M., Rao, P.J., Shivani, D., Prusti, A.M., Mahadevu, P., Iyanar, K. and Das, S. 2022. Multi-location evaluation of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) in Indian climates: Ecophenological dynamics, yield relation, and characterization of locations. Frontiers in plant science13, pp.984912-984912.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.984912 (NAAS: 10.10)


Sharma, V.; Singh, C.M.; Chugh, V.; Kamaluddin; Prajapati, P.K.; Mishra, A.; Kaushik, P.; Dhanda, P.S.; Yadav, A.; Satyendra. 2023. Morpho-Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Field Pea Genotypes under Terminal Heat Stress. Plants, 12, 256. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12020256(NAAS: 10.00)


Chugh, V.; Kaur, D.; Purwar, S.; Kaushik, P.; Sharma, Vijay; Kumar, H.; Rai, A.; Singh, C.M.; Kamaluddin; Dubey, R.B. (2023). Applications of Molecular Markers for Developing Abiotic-Stress-Resilient Oilseed Crops. Life, 13, 88. https://doi.org/10.3390/life13010088(NAAS: 9.20)


Singh, A.K.; Singh, R.; Kumar, R.; Gupta, A.K.; Kumar, H.; Rai, A.; Kanawjia, A.; Tomar, K.S.; Pandey, G.; Singh, B.; et al. (2023) Evaluating Sustainable and Environment Friendly Growing Media Composition for Pot Mum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.). Sustainability, 15, 536. https:// doi.org/10.3390/su15010536 (NAAS: 9.30)


Purwar, S., Singh, C.M., Kumar, M. et al. (2023). Genome-Wide Identification and Analysis of NBS-LRR-Encoding Genes in Mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) and Their Expression in Two Wild Non-progenitors Reveal Their Role in MYMIV Resistance. J Plant Growth Regul. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00344-023-10948-7(NAAS: 9.90)


Kumar S, Kumar H, Gupta V, Kumar A, Singh CM, Kumar M, Singh AK, Panwar GS, Kumar S, Singh AK and Kumar R (2023). Capturing agro-morphological variability for tolerance to terminal heat and combined heat–drought stress in landraces and elite cultivar collection of wheat. Front. Plant Sci. 14:1136455. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1136455 (NAAS: 10.10)


Yadav, I.; Sharma, V.; Kumar, M.; Yadav, L.P.; Mishra, A.; Singh, V.; Singh Dhanda, P.; Yadav, A.; Yadav, M.; Singh, S.K.; et al. Assessment of Gene Action and Identification of Heterotic Hybrids for Enhancing Yield in Field Pea. Horticulturae 2023, 9, 997. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae9090997(NAAS: 9.10)


Sahu P, Singh M, Pandey R, Mishra MK, Singh AK, Singh BK, Singh SK, Rai A, Chugh V, Shukla G, et al. Screening of Comprehensive Panel of Cultivated and Wild Vigna Species for Resistance to Pulse Beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis L. Biology. 2023; 12(6):781. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology12060781(NAAS: 9.60)


Tripathi, A., Singh, C.M., Kumar, M., Purwar, S., Mishra, A., Kumar, D., Singh, A.K., Kumar, S.,Singh, S., & Singh, N. P. (2023). Identification of potential sources of mungbean yellow mosaic India virus resistance in black gram (Vigna mungo) and expression of antioxidants and R-genes modulating resistance response in cultivated and its two wild relatives. Plant Breeding, 142(5), 668–681. https://doi.org/10.1111/pbr.13122(NAAS: 7.50)


Singh CM, Purwar S, Singh AK, Singh BK, Kumar M, Kumar H, Pratap A, Mishra AK, Baek K-H. Analysis of Auxin-Encoding Gene Family in Vigna radiata and It’s Cross-Species Expression Modulating Waterlogging Tolerance in Wild Vigna umbellataPlants. 2023; 12(22):3858. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12223858(NAAS: 10.00)


Kumar H, Chugh V, Kumar M, Gupta V, Prasad S, Kumar S, Singh CM, Kumar R, Singh BK, Panwar G and Kumar M (2023) Investigating the impact of terminal heat stress on contrasting wheat cultivars: a comprehensive analysis of phenological, physiological, and biochemical traits. Front. Plant Sci. 14:1189005. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1189005(NAAS: 10.10)


Chugh, V.; Mishra, V.; Sharma, V.; Kumar, M.; Ghorbel, M.; Kumar, H.; Rai, A.; Kumar, R. 2024. Deciphering Physio-Biochemical Basis of Tolerance Mechanism for Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Genotypes under Waterlogging Stress at Early Vegetative Stage. Plants, 13, 501. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants13040501(NAAS: 10.00)


Parihar AK, Hazra KK, Lamichaney A, Gupta DS, Kumar J, Mishra RK, Singh AK, Bhartiya A, Sofi PA, Lone AA, Das SP, Yadav RK, Punia SS, Singh AK, Rai G, Mahto CS, Singh K, Tiwari S, Saxena AK, Nair SK, Parikh M, Sharma V, Mishra SP, Singh D, Gupta S, Dixit GP. 2024. Multi-location evaluation of field pea in Indian climates: eco-phenological dynamics, crop-environment relationships, and identification of mega-environments. International Journal of Biometeorology.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s00484-024-02720-7(NAAS: 9.00)


Purwar, S., Chugh, V., Singh, P. et al. Genome-wide identification and analysis of Subtilisin-like serine protease gene family in banana (Musa accuminta L.) and their expression under abiotic stresses. Plant Biotechnol Rep 18, 143–160 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11816-023-00855-4(NAAS: 7.70)


Nair, B., Biradar, V. K., Nagaich, V. P., Singh, C. M., Singh, B. K., Kumre, S. B., … & Kaur, V. (2024). Multi-environment screening of Linum germplasm collection for dissecting the potential of bud fly (Dasyneuralini Barnes) resistance and assembling a reference set for efficient utilization in genetic improvement. Industrial Crops and Products207, 117743.(NAAS: 11.60)


Singh, C.M., Singh, B.K., Purwar, S. et al. Comprehensive characterization of protease inhibiting gene family, cis-regulatory elements, and protein interaction network in linseed and their expression upon bud fly infestation. Sci Rep 14, 17907 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-68943-1(NAAS: 9.80)


Kumar, R., Pandey, R., Purwar, S. et al. Genome-wide identification and characterization of PGIP gene family in Vigna radiata L. Wilczek and its expression in wild non-progenitor, Vigna umbellata L. Thunb. modulate bruchid resistance. J. Plant Biochem. Biotechnol. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13562-024-00915-y(NAAS: 7.60)


Kumar, S., Singh, C.M., Kumar, M. et al.2024. Identification and characterization of potential sources of waterlogging tolerance in Vigna species as revealed by physiological, biochemical and gene expression profiling. J. Plant Biochem. Biotechnol. 33, 657–673. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13562-024-00928-7(NAAS: 7.60)


Ojha, I., Kamaluddin, Sharma, V., Kumar, Met al. Identification of blast resistant finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) genotype through phenotypic screening and molecular profiling. Sci Rep 14, 32080 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-83797-3(NAAS: 9.80)


Shukla, M., Kaundal, P., Purwar, S., Kumar, M., Maurya, C., Chirag, Mishra, A. K., Baek, K. -H., & Singh, C. M. (2024). Salicylic Acid-Induced Expression Profiles of LRR and LRR-RLK Candidate Genes Modulate Mungbean Yellow Mosaic India Virus Resistance in Blackgram and Its Two Wild Non-Progenitors. Plants, 13(24), 3601. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants13243601(NAAS: 10.00)


1. M. Z. Abdin and Kamaluddin (Eds.) 2020. Transgenic Technology Based Value Addition in Plant Biotechnology, pp. 325. Elsevier Publication, ISBN: 978-0-12-818632-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/C2018-0-03864-5
2. Kamaluddin, Usha Kiran, M. Z. Abdin (Eds.) 2022. Technologies in Plant Biotechnology and Breeding of Field Crops, pp. 342. Springer Nature.
3 AthokpamHaribhusan, Sabir Husain Wani, Kajal Samantara, Hitesh Kumar, Najeeb Ul Rahman Sofi and Gyanendra Pratap Singh 2022. Agricultural Sustainability: Prospects and Challenges, Agrobios Research.
4 Sharma, Vijay, Naruka, A. and Singh, V.K. 2024. Genetics Insights (pp. 256). Kalyani Publisher, New Delhi, Print ISBN: 978-93-5540-972-0.

Book Chapters:


Singh, C.M. and Kumar, Mukul. 2018. Harnessing the Potential of Genomics and Phenomics for Improving Grain Legumes’ In: Doubling Farmers Income Through Appropriate Agricultural Technologies and Extension Approaches (Eds: BK Gupta, BP Mishra, D. Mishra and PK Ojha) published by Biotech Books, New Delhi. (ISBN: 978-81-7622-455-0).


Sharma, Vijay, Meena, S.K., Shukla, V. and Ranjan, R. (2018).  Physiology of high temperature tolerance in bread wheat. In: A. Chauhan and P.K. Bharti (Eds.), Crop irrigation and farming system (pp. 154-168).  Discovery Publishing House, Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, ISBN- 978-93-86841-40-7.


Kumar, Hitesh, Akhatar, J. and Vasistha, N.K. 2020. Classical and Molecular Approaches in Plant Breeding In: Amarjeet Kumar, Bijendra Prashad and Anil Kumar, Mutagenesis in Crop Improvement, Narendra Publishing House, pp-138-159.  ISBN: 978-93-89235-25-8


Kumar, S., Kumar, Hitesh, Soni, S., Dwivedi, S.V. and Mishra, A.C. 2020. Advance research in agricultural and veterinary sciences, Male sterility: Classification, Mechanism and Utilization In Vegetable Crops, ISBN 978-81-948426-5-1


Kumar, Hitesh, Akhatar, J. and Wani, S. H. 2020. Recent Advances in Cytoplasmic Male Sterility (CMS) in Crop Brassicas. In: Wani S., Thakur A., Jeshima Khan Y. (eds) Brassica Improvement Molecular, Genetics and Genomic Perspectives. Springer, Cham, doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-34694-2_2.


Vasistha, N. K., Thakur, S., Kumar, Hitesh and Kumar, J. 2020. Classical and Molecular Approaches in Plant Breeding in: Amarjeet Kumar, Bijendra Prashad and Anil Kumar Molecular Approach for Crop Improvement, Narendra Publishing House, pp-282-303, ISBN : 978-93-89235-25-8


Pratap A., Gupta S., Rathore M., Basavraja T., Singh, C.M., Prajapati U., Singh, P. 2020 Mungbean. Eds Pratap A, Gupta S. The Beans and Peas. Elsevier. Pp 1-32.


Kiran, U., Abdin, M..Z. and Kamaluddin, 2020. Genome editing technologies for value-added traits in plants. In: Transgenic Technology Based Value Addition in Plant Biotechnology (eds. Usha Kiran, M.Z. Abdin and Kamaluddin, Elsevier Publication), pp.51-65.


Iqrar S., Ashrafi K., Kiran U., Fatima S., Kamaluddin, Abdin M. Z. 2020. Transgenic plants with improved nutrient use efficiency. In: Transgenic Technology Based Value Addition in Plant Biotechnology (eds. Usha Kiran, M.Z. Abdin and Kamaluddin, Elsevier Publication), pp.157-185.


Sharma, Vijay, Kamaluddin, Singh, V.K., Khan, R. and Anu 2020. Diallel Mating Design. In: V.K. Singh et al. (Eds.), Biometrical Approaches in Plant Breeding (pp. 55-80). Weser Books, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-96492-207-6


Singh, V.K., Sharma, Vijay and Anu. (2020). An Introduction to Quantitative Genetics. In: V.K. Singh et al. (Eds.), Biometrical Approaches in Plant Breeding (pp. 01-07). Weser Books, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-96492-207-6.


Anu, Singh, V.K. and Sharma, Vijay (2020). Heterosis and Inbreeding Depression in Crop Plants. In: V.K. Singh et al. (Eds.), Biometrical Approaches in Plant Breeding (pp. 116-129). Weser Books, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-96492-207-6.


Gautam, M. P., Kumar, Manoj, Kamaluddin and Kannaujia, J.P. 2021. Plant Breeding Study on Genetic Variability, Genetic Divergence and Production Constraints (Insect Pest and Diseases) in Cowpea.  Recent Trends in Breeding of Cereal and Pulse Crops. Weser Books, pp. 01-09.

Chaudhary, R.P., Salman, M., Chaudhri, H.P.S., Kamaluddin and Kannaujia, J.P. (2021). Horsegram. Horsegram. Recent Trends in Breeding of Cereal and Pulse Crops. Weser Books, pp. 11-16.


Kamaluddin, Neha and Tarkeshwar. 2021. Recent trends in breeding of Lentil (LensculinarisMedik). Recent Trends in Breeding of Cereal and Pulse Crops. Weser Books, pp. 17-69.


Kannaujia, J.P., Kumar, M., Kamaluddin and Gautam, M.P. 2021. Breeding for Improvement of Yield, Quality and Insect Pests Resistance in Maize. Recent Trends in Breeding of Cereal and Pulse Crops. Weser Books, pp. 71-81.


Neha, Tarkeshwar, Kannaujia, J.P. and Kamaluddin. 2021. Recent Trends in Breeding on Pearl Millet. Recent Trends in Breeding of Cereal and Pulse Crops. Weser Books, pp. 83-127.


Pratap A., Gupta S., Rathore M., Basavraj, T. S, Singh, C. M., Prajapati, U. and  Singh, P, 2021. Mungbean. In The Beans and Peas: From orphan to mainstream crop (Eds Pratap A, Gupta S), published by Elsevier. Pp. 1-32.


Singh, A., Kamaluddin and Kannaujia, J.P. 2021. Breeding Research Status of Rice Crop. Recent Trends in Breeding of Cereal and Pulse Crops. Weser Books, pp. 129-141.


Shakywar, R. C., Pathak, M., Kumar, M. and Verma, R. B. (2021). Diseases of Pointed Gourd Crops and Their Management. In: Diseases of Fruits and vegetables Crops-Recent Management Approaches. Apple Academic Press through CRC Press, 978-0-42932-218-1.



Kamaluddin and Singh, M. 2021. Sorghum Breeding. Recent Trends in Breeding of Cereal and Pulse Crops. Weser Books, pp. 143-168.


Akhatar, J., Kumar, H., Kaur, H. (2022). Recent Progress in Brassica Hybrid Breeding. In: Bohra, A., Parihar, A.K., Naik SJ, S., Chandra, A. (eds) Plant Male Sterility Systems for Accelerating Crop Improvement. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3808-5_9.


Kamaluddin, Sonkar, P., Sharma, Vijay, Kumar, H., Kumar, M., Negi, H. S., Kiran, U., Abdin, M. Z. and Choubey, A. K. (2022). Marker-Assisted Selection for Value Addition in Crop Plants. In: Kamaluddin et al. (Eds.), Technologies in Plant Biotechnology and Breeding of Field Crops, Springer Nature Singapore, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5767-2_2


Kumar, R., Kumari, S., Singh, S. K. Singh, C. M and Suman, S. K. (2022). Recent advances in rice breeding using biotechnological and genomics tools. In: Kamaluddin et al. (Eds.), Technologies in Plant Biotechnology and Breeding of Field Crops. Springer Nature Singapure, link ttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5767-2_5.


Singh, C. M., Pratap, A., Kumar, H., Singh, S., Singh, B. K., Prasad, D.,Dhaliwal, I and Kumar M. (2022). Recent Advances in Omics Approaches for Mungbean Improvement. In: Kamaluddin et al. (Eds.), Technologies in Plant Biotechnology and Breeding of Field Crops. Springer Nature Singapure, link ttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5767-2_9.


Singh, V.K., Bhoyar, P.I., Anu, and Sharma, Vijay (2022). Application of Genomics and Breeding Technologies to Increase Yield and Nutritional Qualities of Rapeseed-Mustard and Sunflower. In: Kamaluddin et al. (Eds.), Technologies in Plant Biotechnology and Breeding of Field Crops, Springer Nature Singapore, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5767-2_6


Anu, Yadav, S., Singh, V.K., Bhoyar, P.I., Sharma, Vijay, Rehsawla, R. and Kumar, R. (2022). Emerging Technologies in Plant Breeding for Fibre Crops, Cotton, and Sunn Hemp. In: Kamaluddin et al. (Eds.), Technologies in Plant Biotechnology and Breeding of Field Crops, Springer Nature Singapore, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5767-2_8


Janghel, D. K. and Sharma, Vijay (2022). Genomics-Assisted Breeding Approaches in Lentil (Lens culinarisMedik). In: Kamaluddin et al. (Eds.), Technologies in Plant Biotechnology and Breeding of Field Crops, Springer Nature Singapore, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5767-2_10


Pratap, A. Dhaliwal I, Singh CM,Mahalingam, A., Manivannan, N., Basavaraja, T., Rathore, M., Singh, Y., Tiwari, P., Yadav, S. and Tripathi, A.(2022). Biofortification of Mungbean. In: Kumar, S., Dikshit, H.K., Mishra, G.P., Singh, A. (eds) Biofortification of Staple Crops. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3280-8_12


Chaubey, A.K., Sharma, Vijay, Prajapati, P.K., Mishra, S., Pandey, R., Dwivedi, S.V., Singh, A. and Soni, R. 2023. Induction of Stress Tolerance in Plants by Metabolic Secretions of Endophytes for Sustainable Development. In: R. Soni et al. (eds.), Microbial Bioactive Compounds, Springer Nature Switzerland, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-40082-7_13


Sharma, V., Kumar, M., Prajapati, P.K., Sharma, P. and Jainth, H. 2023. RNA Interference: A Gene Silencing Approach Toward Crop Improvement. In: R.P.N. Singh et al. (Eds.), Modern Perspectives in Social Science and Extension Education (Volume-2), The Society of Academic Research for Rural Development, ISBN: 978-93-94243-22-4.

Outreach Activities:

Award and Recognition:

Sr. No.

Name of Award

Awarding Agency

Name of awardee



Distinguished Scientist Award

Agricultural Technology Development Society

Dr. Kamaluddin



Excellence in Teaching Award

Astha Foundation

Dr. Kamaluddin



Fellow of Academy of Environmental Biology

Academy of Environmental Biology

Dr. Kamaluddin




Appreciation award


Biologix Research and Innovation Centre Private Limited (BRICPL), India

Dr. Vijay Sharma



Reviewer Excellence Award

Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

Dr. Mukul Kumar



Eminent Scientist Award

Agro Environmental Development Society

Dr. Kamaluddin



Best Oral Presentation Award

5th Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Science Congress, UPAAS-UPCAR Lucknow

Dr. Hitesh Kumar



Certificate of Appreciation

Banda University of Agriculture and Technology Banda, U.P.

Dr. Mukul Kumar



Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing

International Journal of Environment and Climate Change

Dr. C M Singh



National Award of Excellence

Global Management Council, Ahmedabad, India.

Dr. C M Singh



Appreciation Award

Banda University of Agriculture and Technology Banda, U.P.

Dr. Hitesh Kumar



Best Teacher Award

Agro Environmental Development Society, U.P.

Dr. Hitesh Kumar



Young Scientist Award

Agro Environmental Development Society, U.P.

Dr. Vijay Sharma



Excellence in Teaching

Banda University of Agriculture and Technology Banda, U.P.

Dr. Mukul Kumar



Excellence in Research

Banda University of Agriculture and Technology Banda, U.P.

Dr. C.M. Singh



Team Excellence- Farm Development

Banda University of Agriculture and Technology Banda, U.P.

Dr.  S. K. Singh



Excellence in research

Banda University of Agriculture and Technology Banda, U.P.

Dr. Hitesh Kumar



Excellence Team Award

Banda University of Agriculture and Technology Banda, U.P.

Five departmental faculty



ISPRD Fellowship


Dr. C.M. Singh



Best poster presentation award

International Pulse conference organized by ISPRD, IIPR, Kanpur

Dr. C.M. Singh



Appreciation award 2023

Banda University of Agriculture and Technology Banda, U.P.

Dr. C M Singh



Teaching Excellence Award 

Banda University of Agriculture and Technology Banda, U.P.

Dr. C M Singh



Excellence in Research

Banda University of Agriculture and Technology Banda, U.P.

Dr. Vijay Sharma


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    Genetics And Plant Breeding

    Dr. Mukul Kumar

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Qualifications:  M.Sc. (Ag.) and Ph.D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding from NDUA&T, Faizabad, U.P., ASRB-NET.

    Total Experience: 19 Years

    Specialization: Genetics and Plant Breeding

    Guide of P.G. & Ph.D. Students: 08 as Major guide & 19 as Co-guide

    Prior Job Experience:  14 years Teaching and Research experience in Genetics and Plant Breeding including seven years as Associate Professor at CAU, Imphal.

    Awards/Recognition: 09,  h-index: 8

    Publications:  35 Research Papers, 04 Technology developed, 2 Book Chapters, 07 Practical Manuals, 15 Popular articles, 04 Technical  Bulletin.

    Research / Review Articles: 42; Book: 01; Book Chapters: 06

    Genetics And Plant Breeding

    Dr. Kamaluddin

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Qualifications: B.Sc. (Ag) & A.H.; M.Sc. (Ag) Genetics & Plant Breeding from CSAU, Kanpur; Ph.D. in  Genetics & Plant Breeding from Institute of Agriculture Sciences, B.H.U., Varanasi, NET, ASRB, New Delhi; UGC-J.R.F./S.R.F. for Doctoral Research; Post Doctorate (DBT, Govt. of India) in Wheat Proteomics from IARI, New Delhi.

    Specialization: Genetics and Plant Breeding

    Total Experience: 16 years

    Guide of P.G. & Ph.D. Students: 09 as Major guide & 08 as Co-guide

    Prior Job Experience: One year experience as SRF and 11 month as Research Associate at Centre for Transgenic Plant Development, Department of Biotechnology, Hamdard University, New Delhi; 10 Years 4 months experience as Assistant Professor at SKUAST-Kashmir, Wadura Campus.

    Awards/Recognition: 04; h-index: 15

    Research/Review Articles: 60; Books: 03; Book Chapters: 10

    Publications: 36 Research Articles; 03 Review Articles; 10 Book chapters; 03 Gene Sequences submitted in NCBI, USA; 02 Practical manual, 01 Edited Book (Springer).

    Agricultural Extension


    Dr. Shalesh Kumar Singh

    Banda University Of Agriculture And Technology

    And Technology

    Qualification: B.Sc. (Ag) from U.P. College, Varanasi;M.Sc. (Ag) and Ph.D. in Seed Science &Technology from G.B.P.U.A.&T., Pantnagar, ASRB-NET.

    Specialization: Seed Technology

    Total Experience: 18 years

    Prior Job Experience: 13 year experience as Deputy Director (Seed) and 2 year experience as Joint Director Seed in National HorticulturalResearch and Development foundation (NHRDF), New Delhi.

    Guide of P.G. & Ph.D. Students: 03 as Major guide & 03 as Co-guide

    Awards/Recognition: 04

    Research / Review Articles: 30

    Genetics And Plant Breeding

    Dr. Vijay Sharma

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Qualifications:  B.Sc. (Ag) from Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur (Chhattishgarh); M.Sc. (Ag) Genetics and Plant Breeding from Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology, Faizabad (Uttar Pradesh); Ph.D Genetics and Plant Breeding from Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur, (Rajasthan); NET (Genetics and Plant Breeding in 2012 & 2013), ASRB, New Delhi; DST-Inspire Fellowship for Doctoral research; University Gold Medal in B.Sc. (Ag.), Chancellor Medal and Vice-chancellor medal in M.Sc. (Ag.).

    Specialization: Genetics and Plant Breeding

    Total Experience: 07 years

    Guide of P.G. & Ph.D. Students: 05 as Major guide & 15 as Co-guide

    Awards/Recognition: 04; h-index: 12

    Research / Review Articles: 50; Book: 02; Book Chapters: 15

    Publications: 10 Research Papers, 01 Book Chapters, 01 Review Paper, 15 Popular articles.

    Genetics And Plant Breeding

    Dr. Chandra Mohan Singh

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Qualifications:Post Doc.- Centre for Plant Biotechnology & Genomics, UPM, Madrid, Spain

    Specialization: Genetics and Plant Breeding &Biotechnology

    Prior Job Experience: 1 Year 2 Months experience as Senior Research Fellow at RAU, Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar; 1 year 5 months experience as SERB Young Scientist at ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur, UP. Awarded externally funded project by Science and Engineering Research Board (DST) under the Startup Research Grant for Young Scientists.

    Total Experience: 08 years

    Awards/Recognition: 07;h-index: 18

    Guide of P.G. & Ph.D. Students: 07 as Major guide & 26 as Co-guide

    Research / Review Articles: 60; Book Chapters: 04

    Publications:  1 Review article and 14 Research articles.

    Genetics And Plant Breeding

    Dr. Hitesh Kumar

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Qualifications:   B.Sc. (Ag.) and M.Sc. (Ag.) in Genetics and Plant Breeding from Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut (U.P.); Ph.D. in Plant Breeding and Genetics from Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana (Punjab); NET qualified.

    Specialization: Genetics and Plant Breeding

    Total Experience: 12 years

    Guide of P.G. & Ph.D. Students: 07 as Major guide & 26 as Co-guide

    Prior Job Experience:  3 Years experience as Research Associate in Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana and 1 Year experience as Junior Wheat Breeder in Syngenta India Ltd., Karnal (Haryana).

    Awards/Recognition: 10; h-index: 11

    Research/Review Articles: 63; Books: 02; Book Chapters: 08

    Publications:  13 Research papers, 5 Review Articles.

    Basic Engineering and Applied Science


    Dr. Sandeep Kumar

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Research Interests: Heat and Mass Transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Solar Energy

    Qualifications:  B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering from College of Technology, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand (2012), M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering with major in Thermal Engineering from College of Technology, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand (2014), and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from College of Technology, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand (2022). Qualified GATE (2012,2013,2015 and 2020).

    Job Experience: Presently working as an Assistant Professor (Mechanical Engineering), since 23rd October, 2024 at ‘CAET, BUAT, Banda
    Worked as an Assistant Professor in the department of Mechanical Engineering at ‘Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow’ for 22 months (05th December 2022 to 22nd October 2024)
    Worked as Teaching Personnelin the department of Mechanical Engineering at ‘College of Technology, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar’, Uttarakhand, for 06 Months.


    • Research Paper (04) (02 SCI)
    • Conference Papers (02)
    • One Week FDP (06)
    • One Week Short Term Courses (04)
    • One Week National Workshop (03)
    • One Week National Seminar (03)


    Membership of Professional Bodies: Life Member [Membership Number: 214439] since 2018, of International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Hong Kong, an organization for facilitating the exchange of information and ideas among Engineers and Scientists.

    Basic Engineering and Applied Science


    Dr. Himanshu Bisaria

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Qualifications: B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering from UPTU Lucknow (U.P.) (2012), MTech in Production Engineering from Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad (U.P.) (2015) and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad (U.P.) (2020). Qualified GATE (2013& 2014).

    Research areas: 

    • Additive Manufacturing
    • Advanced Machining Processes (EDM/WEDM)
    • Composite Materials
    • Biomedical Implants
    • Smart Materials and Superalloys
    • Modeling and Optimization


    Job Experience:

    Assistant Professor & Associate Dean (R&D), Department of Mechanical Engineering, G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous), Nagpur, Maharashtra.

    Tenure: 2 years and 5 months (July 2, 2019 – December 8, 2021)

    Project Scientist, Laboratory for Advanced Research in Polymeric Materials (LARPM), SARP: CIPET, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.

    Tenure: 2 years and 8 months (December 14, 2021 – August 30, 2024)

    Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SR University, Warangal, Telangana.

    Tenure: 1.5 months (September 4, 2024 – October 25, 2024)

    Assistant Professor (Mechanical Engineering), College of Agriculture Engineering and Technology, Banda University of Agriculture and Technology (BUAT), Banda, U.P., Govt.
    Current Role: Since October 28, 2024

    Publications/Training/Awards: 24 SCI/SCIE indexed Journal Articles, 02 Peer Reviewed Journal Articles, 01 Copyright, 08 International/National Conference Papers, 02 Book Chapters. MHRD fellowship during MTech and Ph.D.

    Basic Engineering and Applied Science


    Dr. Ashwin Singh

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Qualifications:  B.Tech. in Civil Engineering from Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan (H.P.) (2016), MTech in Water Resources Engineering from Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur (Rajasthan) (2018) and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, (Gujarat) (2022). Qualified GATE (2016 & 2017).

    Research Area: Water Resources Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Hydro-geochemistry, Contaminant Hydrology, Geochemical Modelling.

    Job  Experience: Presently working as an Assistant Professor, since 24thOctober, 2024 at ‘CAET, BUAT, Banda
    21 months experience as an Institute Postdoctoral Fellow (I-PDF) in the department of Environmental Science and Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad from 11th January, 2023 to 23rd October, 2024.

    Publications/Training/Awards: 20 Journal Articles (15 SCI Q1; 2 SCI Q2; 1 SCI Q4; 2 Scopus), 11 Conference Proceedings, 03 Book Chapters, 2 three-weeks Training from Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi under National Geospatial Program (Level 1 & 2). MHRD fellowship during MTech and PhD.

    International Exposure: Guest Speaker at “2ndNext Generation Sequencing, Probiotics and Other Technologies for Water Quality Management (NGS-WQM)” held at KMUTT, Thailand in 2019.

    Membership of Professional Bodies: International Water Association (IWA) membership ID:1615541, Range Management Society of India (RMSI) (Life Member), International Association of Hydrogeologist 

    Soil and Water Conservation Engineering


    Dr. D. P. Kushwaha

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology


    1. B.Tech. in Agricultural Engineering from Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh in 2013, Position holder under Top 10
    2. M.Tech. in Soil and Water Conservation Engineering from G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand in 2016, First with Distinction
    3. Ph. D.  in Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, (Minor in Irrigation and Drainage Engineering) from G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand in 2022

    Job Experience: Worked as Project Associate-I in GBPUA&T, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand for 16 months under the Collaborative project with National Remote Sensing Centre, ISRO, Hyderabad, under National Hydrology Project Funded by Ministry of Jal Shakthi, India.

    Publications/Training/Awards: Qualified GATE National Examination in 2013. Qualified ICAR – NET National Examination in 2018 and 2023 in Land and Water Management Engineering discipline. Published 01 Book, 02 Book Chapters, 01 Lab Manual, 17 Research Papers, 01 Conference paper, 02 Popular articles, 12 Abstract in proceedings of various conferences in different states

    Research Areas: 

    • Soil Erosion
    • Hydrological Modeling
    • Soil and Water Conservation
    • Watershed Hydrology
    • Watershed Management
    • Water Resources Management
    • Sediment transport,
    • Open channel flow

    Membership of Professional Bodies:Life time Member of IASWC Dehradun, SWEFT New Delhi, ISAHRD Chandigarh, and ATDS Ghaziabad.

    Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering


    Dr. Shashank Shekhar

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Research Areas: Water flow and nutrient transport, Crop modelling, Hydrological modelling, AI and ML for on farm water management, Diffuse Agricultural Pollution, Precision Farming, UAV-based image analytics.

    Qualifications: B.Tech. in Agricultural Engineering from Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. M.Tech. and Ph.D. in Land and Water Resource Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal, India.

    Job Experience: Served as a Subject Matter Specialist at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ankushpur Ghazipur (ANDUAT, Kumarganj, UP) for 2 years and 5 months. Worked as a Senior Research Fellow at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur for 2 years and 11 months.  Served as a Teaching Assistant online course of Irrigation and Drainage, NPTEL at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India for three terms. Gained practical experience as a Field Officer Trainee at International Tractor Limited (Sonalika), Nizamabad, Andhra Pradesh for 1 year.

    Publications/Training/Awards: Authored 16 research articles, 1 review article, 1 book, 11 popular articles, 3 conference abstracts (one in India and two in the USA), and 1 book chapter. Recipient of the National Talent Scholarship during undergraduate studies from ICAR, Government of India, and awarded the Ministry of Human Resource Development Scholarship for both post-graduation and Ph.D. studies by the Government of India. Participated in over 15 training programs, workshops, and seminars. Received a Young Scientist Award from Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ankushpur Ghazipur, and another at the 4th International Conference on Advances in Biological Research and Environmental Sustainability, Royal Regantris Kuta, Bali, Indonesia. Recognized with the Top Cited Article Award for 2021-2022 by Irrigation and Drainage, Wiley.

    International Exposure: Honored with the Best Conference Travel Grant from IIT Kharagpur to present Ph.D. research at the AGU Fall Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

    Membership of Professional Bodies: Life Member of the Indian Society of Agricultural Engineering (ISAE) (Membership No: LM-12016) and the Indian Society of Extension Education, India.

    Farm Machinery and Power Engineering


    Dr. Gajendra Singh

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Research Areas: Ergonomics and Safety in Agriculture, Farm Machinery and Power, Precision Agriculture and Renewable Energy 

    Qualifications: B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering from Sir Chhotu Ram Institute of Engineering and Technology, Meerut, affiliated with Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. M.Tech in Farm Machinery and Power Engineering from Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. Ph.D. in Farm Machinery and Power from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT KGP), West Bengal.

    Qualified ICAR NET in 2016.

    Job Experience: Presently working as an Assistant Professor, since 23rd October, 2024 at ‘CAET, BUAT, Banda

    Thirteen year five-month experience as Junior Project Officer at Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT KGP), West Bengal

    Publications/Training/Awards: 20 Research Paper, 01 Book,  01 Book Chapter, 03 Bulletins, 03 Patent published 01 patent Under Review Patent, 05 International and National Conferences, Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship UGC for Ph.D.

    Membership of Professional Bodies:

    • Life Member of the Indian Society of Agricultural Engineering (ISAE) (Membership No: LM-12806).

    Farm Machinery and Power Engineering


    Dr. (Er.) Sunil Kumar

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Research Areas: Conservation Agriculture, Farm Machinery and Power, Precision Agriculture and Renewable Energy 

    Qualifications: B.Tech. in Agricultural Engineering from Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana, Punjab; M.Tech. in Farm Machinery and Power from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (IIT KGP), West Bengal and Ph.D.from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vishwavidyalaya (BCKV), Mohanpur, Nadia, West-Bengal.

    Qualified GATE 2005 &2006;ICAR NET in 2010 & 2012 and ICAR-SRF 2020.

    Job Experience: Five years’ experienceas Research Associate at Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal and working as Assistant Professor at Banda University of Agriculture & Technology, Banda since September, 2013.

    Publications/Training/Awards: 06 Research Paper, 01 Book Chapter, 02 Practical Manuals, 32 Operator’s manual, 20 Training Manuals; 04 International and National Conferences and awarded the Ministry of Human Resource Development Scholarship during M. Tech. degree programme by Government of India.

    Membership of Professional Bodies: 

    • Life Member of “Indian Society of Agricultural Engineering (ISAE)”(Membership No.: LM-11353)
    • Life Member of “Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)”  (Membership No.: LM-136655)
    • Life Member of “The Institution of Engineers (India) (IEI)”, Kolkata (Membership No.: AM3055011)
    • Life Member of “Uttar Pradesh Academy of Agricultural Sciences”, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 
    • Membership of Professional Bodies: Life Member (04)

    Food Safety and Quality Assurance

    Mr. Pratik Shukla

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology


    B.Tech (Dairy Technology) from DSCKV, Durg, Chhattisgarh, M.Tech. in Dairy Microbiology from Anand Agriculture University, Gujarat. Qualified NET (National Eligibility Test) and JRF exam in Dairy Microbiology conducted by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi.

    Prior Job Experience: Three years of experience as Quality Assurance Officer in Amul.

    Publications/Training/ Awards:

    03 Research Papers,01 Review Papers, 01 Book Chapters, and 01 Popular Article, “Amul Gold Plated Silver Medal”, “Dr. J. M. Dave Gold Plated Silver Medal”, “Late Shri Kamendu C. Vasavada Medal”, “Mrs. Meenaben J. Prajapati Gold Plates Silver Medal”. International Award for best paper presentation, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Awards from Microbiologist Society of India. National Talent Scholarship from ICAR.

    Food Safety and Quality Assurance

    Dr. Abhishek Chitranashi

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology


    Graduation in Agricultural Biotechnology from the esteemed University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. Master’s and Ph.D. in Agricultural Biochemistry from Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI). Qualified ICAR-NTS, ICAR-JRF, ICAR-SRF, and CSIR-JRF, along with CSIR-NET (twice) and ASRB-NET (three times). Qualified Agricultural Research Service (ARS-2023) exam.

    Prior Job Experience

    Senior Research Fellow (SRF) at ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur, for three months. ICAR-CIARI, Port Blair, as a Senior Technical Officer (STO), for six months.

    Publications/Trainings/ Awards:

    08 Research papers, 04 Book Chapters and 03 Popular Articles.

    Food Safety and Quality Assurance

    Dr. Ajay Kumar Maurya

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology


    B.Sc (Hons) Agriculture from Kulbhaskar Ashram PG College affiliated to CSJM University, Kanpur. M. Sc in Food Technology from University of Allahabad and Ph.D in Food Science & Technology from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. Qualified NET (National Eligibility Test) in Food Technology conducted by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi.

    Prior Job experience

    5 Years and 5 Months as Sanitary and Food Inspector in Directorate, Urban Local Bodies, Nagar Nigam, Kanpur,1 Year and 10 Month as Assistant Professor in Department of Food Technology, Institute of Biosciences and Biotechnology, Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur and 9 Month as Lecturer in Shri Agrasen Kanya P G College (Autonomous) affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth University, Varanasi.


    04 Research paper, 02 Review paper, 04 Book Chapter,

    Winter School Attended 01,Department of Biotechnology (DBT) fellowship during Ph. D

    Membership of Professional Bodies

    Life Membership, Association of Food Scientist in India (AFST/LM/6-2018/KAN/2039)

    Life Membership of Society for Promotion of Horticulture (SPH)

    Food Process Engineering

    Dr. Shikhangi Singh

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology


    B.Tech (Food Technology) from Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, UP in 2017, M.Tech and Ph.D. in Process and Food Engineering from G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar in 2023.

    Prior Job Experience: One year experience as Teaching Personnel at College of Technology, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar

    International Experience: One Month training in France.


    05 Research papers, 08 review papers, 04 book chapters, 03 popular articles.06Oral and poster presentations, Attended 10 training/workshops/seminars. Young Researcher Award” at the FSATIHE-2024 Conference.

    Membershipof Professional Bodies:

    Member of the Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (India) (AFSTI) and Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISAE).

    Food Processing Technology

    Dr. Sachin Kumar

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology


    B.E. (Biotechnology Engineering) from Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana, M.Tech in Food Technology and Management from National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management and Ph.D. in Food Engineering from National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management, Kundli, Haryana. Qualified Gate, ICAR NET, UGC NET.

    Prior Job Experience:

    Worked as an Assistant Professor, Food Technology Department at Eternal University Himachal Pradesh, India (Women University) for 1 year and 5 months. Worked as an Assistant Professor, Food Technology Department at Lovely Professional University Punjab for 03 months. Worked in Dairy, and Milling industry for 2 year and 6 months.


    05 Research Paper, 02 Review Article, 04 Book Chapter, UGC JRF, SRF, NIFTEM Scholarship for Ph.D.

    Food Processing Technology

    Dr. Sukh Veer Singh

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology


    Graduated from ANDUA&T, Faizabad in 2013, M.Sc. (Food Science and Technology) from Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi, in 2015 and Ph.D. (Food Science and Technology) from National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM-K), Haryana, in 2023. Qualified ASRB (ICAR) National Eligibility Test (NET) in Food Technology in 2016.

    Prior Job Experience:

    Worked as an Assistant Professor (Food Technology) at School of Life Sciences (SALS), Uttaranchal University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand for 2 months and 15 days. Worked as an Assistant Professor at Department of Food Technology, School of Food Technology and Nutrition, Loyola Academy (Degree & PG College), Secunderbad, Telangana affiliated to Osmania University, Hyderabad for 1 year and 4 months. 


    15 Research Articles, 03 Review articles, 03 Popular articles in Hindi, 10 Abstracts in conference souvenirs and 12 Book chapters.DBT fellowship during M.Sc. and institutional fellowship during Ph.D. Programme.

    Membership of Professional Bodies:

    Life time Member of Association of Food Scientists and Technologists in India (AFSTI) (Membership No: AFSTI/LM/6-2019/KUN/3258).

    Post Harvest Technology


    Dr. Amit Kumar Singh

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Qualifications: B. Sc.  (Ag.) from Post Graduate College, Ghazipur affiliated with Veer Bahadur Singh PurvanchalUniversity,   Jaunpur; M. Sc. and Ph. D. in Horticulture with    specialization in Post-Harvest Technology from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Nadia (West Bengal).

    Prior Job Experience: More than 06 years of teaching experience at Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi (U.P.) and MS Swaminathan School of Agriculture, Gajapati (Odisha) as well as 6 months of Research experience at Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi (Jharkhand).

    Publications: Research Papers 27, Book 04, Practical Manual 07, Extension Bulletin 07, Book Chapter 16

    Awards: Inspire Fellow award (DST-Govt. of India), Fellow International College of Nutrition (FICN- Moradabad), Young scientist award (BRIATS, Prayagraj), Young scientist associated award (ATDS, Ghaziabad), Research Excellence Award (SCNR, Kolkata), Best oral award (ATDS, Ghaziabad) and Best poster award (UPCAR, Lucknow).

    Agricultural Economics

    Dr. Yash Gautam

    Banda University Of Agriculture

    And Technology

    Qualifications: B.Sc. Ag from Banaras Hindu  University; M.Sc. Ag. (Agricultural Economics) from Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University; and Ph.D (Agricultural Economics) from Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University. 

    Prior Teaching Experience: 2 years teaching experience in Diploma in Seed Technology and Marketing in Banaras Hindu University.

    Awards: UGC Research Fellowship during Ph.D. Young Scientist Award & Young Environmental Award by various organizations and Best Paper Presentation in International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture Development in Changing Global Scenario in Banaras Hindu University.

    Publications: 25 Research papers, 4 Book chapters, 2 Lead papers, 1 Laboratory Manual, and 8 Popular articles