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Floriculture and Landscape Architecture

Dr. Ajay Kumar Singh

Dr. Krishna Singh Tomar

Dr Amit Kanawjia

Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture

About the Department:

The Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture started with inception of the University i.e., March, 2010 and is the core department of College of Horticulture at the Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda.The Department offers post-graduate and doctoral degree programme in discipline of Floriculture & Landscape Architecture. The master programme was initiated in the year 2018 and doctorate programme was initiated in the year 2020. The department isengaged in teaching, research and extension activities for helping farming community.The department has highly qualified faculty with doctoral research experience in the current areas of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture. The major aim is to impart the quality education in different aspects of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, conducting research on different aspects of floriculture besides extension work.


  • To emerge as a global centre of excellence in teaching, research and extension in agriculture and allied sciences in the country to ensure sustained healthy food, nutrition and livelihood security.


  • The university is committed to the cause of Indian agriculture through its quality teaching, demand-driven and location-specific research and extension programmes in the light of dynamism of socio-economic and agro ecological conditions, management perceptions, international trade scenarios and government policies.


  • To impart knowledge and develop scientific temperament among the students byusing modern educational tools, to produce technically sound graduates with entrepreneurial skills in field of floriculture and landscape architecture, medicinal and aromatic plants.
  • To develop need based and location specific climate resilient technologies of floriculture, medicinal & aromatic plants and transfer to farmer community of Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh.
  • To impart vocational training on floriculture and landscaping for unemployed youth, ruralwomen and school dropouts of the region.
  • To disseminate the location specific and need based innovative floricultural technologiesamong the farming community of the Bundelkhand region.


The department is actively involved in Undergraduate and Post Graduate teaching and offers M.Sc. and Ph. D. Degree in the Discipline “Horticulture- Floriculture and Landscaping”

Courses offered:

Courses Offered in UG Programmes

Course code

Course Title

Credit Hours

HFL 111

Principles of Landscape Architecture


HFL 211

Commercial Floriculture


HFL 221

Ornamental Horticulture


HFL 222

Production Technology for Ornamental Crops, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops and Landscaping


HFL 311

Medicinal and Aromatic crops


HFL 321

Breeding  and Seed Production of Flower and Ornamental Plants


NR 3212

Recreation and Urban Forestry


HFL 421

Nursery Production and Value Addition of Flowers  (Under Experiential Learning Programme)


Courses Offered in M.Sc. (Horti.) FLS
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
FLS 501 Systematics of Ornamental Plants 2+1
FLS 502 Breeding of Ornamental Plants 2+1
FLS 503 Commercial Production of Cut Flowers 2+1
FLS 504 Commercial Production of Loose Flowers 2+1
FLS 505 Ornamental Gardening and Landscaping 2+1
FLS 506 Indoor Plants and Interiorscaping 1+1
FLS 507 Nursery Management in Ornamental Plants 2+1
FLS 508 Turf Grass Management 2+1
FLS 509 Value Addition in Floriculture 2+1
FLS 510 Protected Cultivation of Flower Crops 2+1
FLS 511 CAD for Landscaping 1+2
FLS 512 Seed Production in Flower Crops 1+1
FLS 591 Seminar 0+1
Courses offered in Ph.D. (Hort.) FLS
Course Title Credit Hours
Crop Regulation in Ornamental Crops 1+1
Postharvest Biology of Floricultural Crops 2+1
Specialty Flowers, Fillers and Cut Greens 1+1
Biotechnological Approaches in Floricultural Crops 2+1
Advances in Landscaping 1+1
Vertical Gardening 1+2
Modern Approaches in Breeding of Floricultural crops 2+1
Current Trends in Production Technology of Floricultural crops 2+1
Recent Developments in Protected Cultivation of Floricultural crops 2+1
Seminar 0+1

Highlights Of Practical Classes Of Ug & Pg Students:

Thrust Area Of Research:

  • Screening of commercial varieties of important flower crops like Rose, Gladiolus, Marigold, Tuberose, Chrysanthemum, Bougainvillea, Gaillardia, Vinca etc., under Bundelkhand condition.
  • Exploration, collection, introduction, conservation and evaluation of floricultural germplasm including wild flora of Bundelkhand region (neglected and underutilized flora) for landscaping.
  • Standardization of agro-techniques for production of flowers in open and protected environment under Bundelkhand region for domestic and export market.
  • Development of standard protocol for propagation of flower crops using in vivo and in vitro
  • Development of a package for post–harvest technology of flowers and value addition in important flower crops (Dry flower techniques, floral crafts, flower arrangements etc.).

Co-Curricular Activities:

  • Participation in KisanMela organized by the University.
  • Participation in subject related celebrations (Millet Mahotsav/ International Day of Fruits and Vegetables/ World Pulses Day/ International Year of Millets etc.).
  • Student’s participation in various sports activitiesat university level sports such as Tug of War, Volleyball, Kabbaddi, LangdiKud, and Cricket.
  • Bouquets prepared by department students also to offer for the invited esteemed guests.
  • Different types flower arrangement, greeting cards, bookmarks, key chain, and pendants have been made by the students.

Field And Laboratory Facilities:

  • Instructional Farm (1.25 acre): This demonstration-cum-research farm is situated behind College of Horticulture. The farm essential to give practical field exposure and hands-on-training to the students and farmers on production of different floricultural crops. Various research activities are also being carried out for protection of floriculture in Bundelkhand region. The instructional farm has different units such as Herbaceous border, Medicinal and Aromatic plant block, Shrubbery block and bougainvillea repository.
  • New Farm (7.5 acre): Anew farm has been developed by the department for development and demonstration of agro techniques of flower cultivation and seed production, bulbous crop block, mother block of MAP block in the farm.
  • Botanical Garden (7acre): For ex-situ conservation of indigenous, rare, endangered and threatened (RET) plants. Besides, it’s a platform practical learning of UG and PG students about various components and landscaping to enrich their knowledge.
  • Hi Tech Nursery:Hi tech Polyhouse, Insect Proof Net House, Shade Net house have been established for nursery raising, growing of high value flower crops

Labs of the Department


Undergraduate & Post Graduate Labs

Refrigerator, Microwave Oven,Hot Air Oven, pH meter, Weighing Machine, Microscope, Clevenger apparatus, Conical flask, Measuring cylinder.

Salient Achivements Of The Department:

  • Establishment of Hi-tech nursery for production and conservation of high value crops.
  • Developed Floriculture Farm for the production of flowers and seeds.
  • Establishment of Botanical garden that includes various components viz. rosary, palmatum, shrubbery etc. and different conservatories for the better infrastructure facilities and learning by doing.
  • Bougainvillea Repository has been established by the department to demonstrate and conserve 25 different varieties of bougainvillea.
  • A Home garden has been developed by the department that includes different principles of landscaping.
  • A TulsiVatika was established by the faculty and post graduate students of the department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture.



Title of Projects

Funding Agency

Funds Allotted (Rs.)

Status (Completed/ Ongoing)


Development of botanical garden” for ex-situ conservation of indigenous, rare, endangered and threatened (RET) plants.

BUAT Banda

86 lakhs



Estimation of floral reward potential of medicinal and aromatic plants and assessment of nutraceutical value of honey in Kannauj and Hathras (U.P)

NBB, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW)

60 lakhs



Establishment of Hi-Tech Nursery for Promoting Horticultural and forestry plants in Bundelkhand Region of Uttar  Pradesh


426.0 lakhs



AICRP MAP &Betelvine

(Volunteer Centre)

ICAR- DMAPR, Gujarat

4.26 lakhs


Student’s Placement:

S.No. Name of Students & ID No. Batch Designation and Organization
M.Sc. (Horti.) FLA
1. Adarsh Kumar, 1032 2019 Lekhpal, Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh
2. Rahul Patel, 1384 2019 Technical Assistant, Department of Agriculture, Pratapgarh (U.P.)
3. Rishi Kumar Singh, 1385 2019 Horticulture Officer, Welspun living limited, Gujarat
4. Rohit Gangwar,1387 2019 Assistant Professor, College of Agriculture Haridwar University, Roorkee, Uttarakhand
5. Ram Nihor, 1386 2019 Project Associate-I, CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow, U.P.
6. Rajat Patel, 1712 2020 Assistant Manager, Fern and Petals (FNP Group), Chattarpur, New Delhi
7. Amit Kumar Singh, 1711 2020 Agriculture graduate trainee (AGT), IFFCO, Prayagraj, U.P.
Ph.D. (Horti.) FLA
8. GuruduttOjha, 1775 2020 Assistant Manager (Horticulture), Welspun Living Limited, VarshamediAnjar, Gujarat

Recognition And Awards:

  • Department stall in Kisanmela has won the first prize in the international year of fruits and vegetables (2021).

Faculty Publications:

  • Department stall in Kisanmela has won the first prize in the international year of fruits and vegetables (2021).

Faculty Publications:

Training/Workshop & Outreach Program Of The Department:

  • Three-days training programme on “Production Technology of MAPs”.
  • Two days virtual workshop on “Post-harvest Management and Value Addition of Ornamentals”.
  • One day awareness programme on “Doubling Income through Scientific Cultivation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants”.
  • 30 days Skill Development Programme for Gardeners.


  • The department has linkages with National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow and Indian Agriculture Research Institute, New Delhi.

Best Practices:

Department in the News:


Our Distinguished Visitors:




Year of Visit


Mr. Surya PratapShahi

Agriculture Minister (U.P)

2020, 2024


Dr. Sanjay Singh

Director, UPCAR, Govt. of UP



Dr. A. K. Singh

D.G. Extension, ICAR



Dr. V.K. Rao

Professor, Horticulture, GBPUAT, PantnagarUttrakhand



Dr. Ajit Kumar Shasany

CSIR-NBRI, Director



Dr. R.S. Kureel

Vice-Chancellor, MGUVV, Chhattisgarh



Dr. Markandey Singh

Head, Floriculture and Landscaping, IARI



DR Y.C. Gupta




Dr. Anil Kumar Singh

Professor, BHU


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