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Dr. Surendra Kumar Singh

Dr. Bhupendra Kumar Singh

Dr. Rakesh Pandey

Dr. Mukesh Kumar Mishra

Dr. Sundar Pal

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar

Department of Entomology

About the Department:

The Department of Entomology was started with the inception of the University i.e., March, 2010. The first batch of undergraduate degree programme was enrolled in academic session 2011-12 and since then the Department is fully operational in the fields of teaching, research and extension activities. The master’s and doctoral degree programme were initiated in academic session 2018-19 and 2020-21, respectively. Presently, the departmental faculties are engaged in teaching the courses offered in UG, PG and Doctoral degree Programme in College of Agriculture.  The faculties are also involved in student centric,external agency funded Ad-hoc research and extension activities in collaboration with several organizations.




Year of Establishment:

Name of the degree programme


M.Sc. (Ag) Entomology

Ph.D. Entomology

Year of start




The Post Graduate programs including M.Sc. (Agriculture) was initiated in the year 2018 from academic session 2018-19 with student intake capacity of 5 and now it has increased to 8 since academic session 2022-23. The minimum duration of the master’s degree program is 2 years. The Ph.D. degree programme in Entomology was initiated in the year 2020 from academic session 2020-21 with student intake capacity of 2 and now it has increased to 4 since academic session 2022-23. The minimum duration of the doctoral degree program is 3 years. Presently as per the recommendations of 19th BSMA Committee the course curriculum was restructured and it has been implemented in M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree programme since academic session 2022-23.

Course Offered:

Course No.

Course Name

Credit hrs.

Under Graduate

AEN 121

Fundamentals of Entomology

4 (3+1)

AEN 311

Pests of Crops and Stored Grain and their Management

3 (2+1)

APP 311

Principles of Integrated Pest and Disease Management

3 (2+1)

AEN 321

Management of Beneficial Insects

2 (1+1)

AEN 324

Biopesticides and Bio-fertilizers (Elective)


APP 322

Agro chemicals (Elective)


HEN 211

Fundamentals of Entomology

3 (2+1)

HEN 221

Insect Pests of Fruit, Plantation, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops.

3 (2+1)

AEN 322

Apiculture, Sericulture and Lac Culture.

2 (1+1)

HEN 321

Insect Pests of Vegetable, Ornamental and Spice Crops.

3 (2+1)

NR 1203

Forest Protection

3 (2+1)

Post Graduate

ENT 501*

Insect Morphology

3 (2+1)

ENT 502*

Insect Anatomy and Physiology

3 (2+1)

ENT 503*

Insect Taxonomy

3 (1+2)

ENT 504*

Insect Ecology

3 (2+1)

ENT 505*

Biological Control of Insect Pests and Weeds

3 (2+1)

ENT 506*

Toxicology of Insecticides

3 (2+1)

ENT 508*

Concepts of Integrated Pest Management

2 (2+0)



3 (2+1)


PestsofHorticultural andPlantation Crops

3 (2+1)

ENT 591

Master’s seminar


ENT 599

Master’s research

30 (0+30)


Minor Courses (08 credits)

08 credits


Supporting Courses (06 credits)

06 credits


Common compulsory courses (05 credits)

05 credits


ENT 601*

Insect Phylogeny and Systematics

3 (1+2)

ENT 602*

Insect Physiology and Nutrition

3 (2+1)

ENT 605*

Bio-inputs for Pest Management

3 (2+1)

ENT 606*

Insect Toxicology and Residues

3 (2+1)

ENT 603#

Insect Ecology and Diversity

3 (2+1)

ENT 607#

Plant Resistance to Insects

2 (1+1)

ENT  610#

Integrated Pest Management

2 (2+0)

ENT 691

Doctoral Seminar – I

1 (0+1)

ENT 692

Doctoral Seminar – II  

1 (0+1)


Minor Courses

06 credits


Supporting Courses

05 credits

ENT 699

Doctoral Research

75 (0+75)

*Core courses, #Optional Courses

Thrust Area:

Co-Curricular Activities:

Students’ Placement:

S. No. Name of student ID. No. Degree Programme Passing Year Placement Details
1. Mr. Rajnish Kumar Maurya 1010 M.Sc. (Ag) 2020 S.T.A. (Plant Protection) Department of Agriculture (U.P.)
2. Mr. Srichandra 1013 M.Sc. (Ag) 2020 Field Officer, NABARD, Hamirpur
3. Mr. Saurabh Kumar 1363 M.Sc. (Ag) 2021 Junior Scientific Officer, Prasad Seeds Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad
4. Mr. Happy Singh 1365 M.Sc. (Ag) 2021 SRF, CEDA Project, BUAT, Banda
5. Mr. Abhishek Singh Chauhan 1365 M.Sc. (Ag) 2021 Phytosanitary Inspector, Private Agency, Mumbai
6. Mr. Madan Mohan Bajpeyi 1689 M.Sc. (Ag) 2022 Farmers’ Representative, KRIBHCO, Chhattisgarh
7. Mr. Deepak Tomar 2027 M.Sc. (Ag) 2023 Development Officer, ADAMA Pesticides India Ltd.
8. Mr. Rishabh Tripathi 2339 M.Sc. (Ag) 2024 Relationship Manager, Medha, Jhansi
9. Mr. Ravi Saini 2340 M.Sc. (Ag) 2024 DBT Promoter, Chambal Fertilizer & Chemicals Ltd., Bhiwani
10. Mr. Ajit Pandey 1748 Ph.D. 2024 Research Scientist, P.I. Industry, Udaipur
11. Mr. Jony Kumar 1752 Ph.D. 2024 Assistant Professor, Gochar Mahavidyalaya, Saharanpur
12. Mr. Saurabh Singh 2075 Ph.D. 2024 Teaching Associate Bundelkhand University, Jhansi
13. Mr. Ankur Kumar 2076 Ph.D. 2024 Assistant Professor, MAH Garhwal University, Shivnagar

Students Progression:

Passing Year Strength of Students Progression
NET Qualified Pursuing Ph.D.
2018 04 02 00
2019 05 03 03
2020 05 01 01
2021 05 00 03
2022 08 00 04

Salient Achievements:


Faculty Participation in Capacity Development Programme/Seminar/ Workshops/etc:


List of major equipments available in the departmental laboratories:

S. No. Equipment’s No. S. No. Equipment’s No.
1. Microscopes (Monocular) 10 22. Hand lens 05
2. Microscopes (Binocular) 02 23. Power sprayer 01
3. Microscopes (Trinocular) 01 24. Hand compression sprayer 01
4. Permanent slides of insect body parts 150 25. High pressures knapsack sprayer 01
5. Insect collection net 50 26. Mist blower 01
6. Insect aquatic net (D type) 10 27. Honey bee box 01
7. Aspirator 10 28. Duster 01
8. Insect killing jar 50 29. Pheromone trap 04
9. Stretching board 50 30. Pheromone lure 05
10. Pinning block 10 31. Light trap 01
11. Entomological pins 50pkt 32. Sticky trap 50
12. Insect showcase cabinet 03 33. Fruitfly trap 04
13. Insect display & storage showcase 50 34. UV chamber 01
14. Insect collection box 50 35. BOD Incubator 01
15. Dissection trays 20 36. Refrigerator 01
16. Corcyra rearing cage (Muslin Cloth) 05 37. Charts 20
17. Corcyra rearing cage (Wooden) 05 38. Insect Model (Digestive System) 01
18. Insect rearing cage (steel) 12 39. Insect specimen cabinet 04
19. Cleaning device grain & chaffer separator 01 40. Electronic Balance 01
20. Insect specimen tube (Glass) 400 41. Knapsack sprayer 03
21. Insect specimen tube (Fiber) 400 42. Insect Spreading Board 20

Distinguished Visitors:

S. No. Name Designation Year of Visit
1. Dr. S.N. Puri Founder Director, ICAR-NCIPM, New Delhi & Former Vice Chancellor, CAU, Imphal 2018
2. Dr. Devesh Chaturvedi Additional Chief Secretary, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh 2020
3. Dr. J.P. Singh Ex. Principal Scientist, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi 2021
4. Dr. C.P. Srivastava Ex. Professor & Head, IAS, BHU, Varanasi 2021
5. Dr. Kripa Shankar Ex. Professor & Head, CSAUAT, Kanpur 2021
6. Dr. Ramashrit Singh Ex. Professor & Head, BAU, Sabaur 2021
7. Dr. Pramod Mall Professor & Head, GBPUAT, Pantnagar 2022
8. Dr. Subhash Chander Director, ICAR-NCIPM, New Delhi 2024
9. Dr. A.K. Bhowmik Ex. Professor & Head, JNKVV, Jabalpur 2024

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