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College of Community Science

About the College:
College of Community Science is a constituent college of Banda University Agriculture & Technology and the college came into existence in the year 2019. Community Science is an interdisciplinary field of study having a scientific understanding of the community concerned and to improve the quality of life of individuals, family and people at large. The new college building with modern amenities are located within the sprawling campus of Banda University Agriculture & Technology, Banda
The college of Home Science has been renamed as College of Community Science as there has been a Nation wise change of Nomenclature as per 5th Dean’s Committee recommendations after the approval of Academic Council meeting dated 17.12.2021 to widen the scope for employability of the graduates. In addition, the education makes the students capable in bringing positive impact on the community as a whole.It aims in promoting professional competence among students to meet challenges in life and will enable the students to pursue higher studies or to undertake gainful employment in various sectors. It has come a long way and fulfills the current and future needs of scientific education of both boys and girls.
- To emerge as a global centre of excellence in teaching, research and extension in agriculture and allied sciences in the country to ensure sustained healthy food, nutrition and livelihood security.
- The university is committed to the cause of Indian agriculture through its quality teaching, demand-driven and location-specific research and extension programmes in the light of dynamism of socio-economic and agro ecological conditions, management perceptions, international trade scenarios and government policies.
- To create a class of professionals suitable for Government, Industries, Voluntary and Non voluntary Organizations.
- To inculcate entrepreneurial skills among students to facilitate in the fields of Clothing and Textiles, Extension and Communication, Foods and Nutrition, Family Resource Management and Human Development and Family Studies.
- To promote economic and technological empowerment of students in community, farm and allied activities.
- To develop interactive linkages with industries, government as well as non-government organizations.
Year of Establishment: 2019
Degree Programme: UG/PG
- B.Sc. (Hons) Community Science
- M.Sc. Apparel and Textile Science (Approved)
Thrust Areas of Research:
- Food and nutritional security in selected farming system.
- Early childhood care and education for overall development of children.
- Drudgery assessment and mitigation of occupational health hazards.
- Characterization of drudgery of women in production environment and assessment of technology packages in mitigating drudgery.
- Sensitizing youth and their families for management of socio-emotional problems of youth.
- Utilization of plant sources and animal fibers for textile application.
Co-Curricular Activities:
- In Sports meets 2023shivichapranasecured 3rd rank in 100,200 and 400-meter race and Ranu devi got 1st position in long jump.
- In Inter collegiate youth fest 2023:
- Vaishnavi Singh got 2nd position in collage making & 3rd position in Quiz competition.
- Akanksha Devi got 2nd position & Nisha Devi got 3rd position in poster Competition.
- Poonam Vishwakarma secured 1st position in Rangoli Competition.
- Students of Batch 2020 got 2nd Position in Skit Competition (group).
- “Sadak Suraksha jeevanraksha” was conducted on 04.02.2023 at Rani Durgawati allopathic Medical College, Banda students performedSkit (Group). And Anshi got 1st, Mohini got 2nd and Isha Verma got 3rd position in Poster Competition.
- Deekshotsav- 2024 was organized from 24-25 January, 2024 in which various competitions were held i.e. Light Vocal (Indian), Patrcotic Song, Solo Folk Dance, Quiz, On the spot Panting.
- Deekshotsav- 2024 was organized from 18-23 October, 2024 in which various competitions were held i.e. Light Vocal (Indian), Patriotic Song, Solo Folk Dance, Quiz, On the spot Panting.
- College of community science organized Millet Recipe competition in collaboration with Agriculture Department on 07.03.2024 Poonam Vishwakarma & Sukeerti Devi got 1st Position and shiviChaprana got 3rd
- College of community science organized Millet Recipe competition in collaboration with Agriculture Department on 30.011.2024 Poonam Mohini & Apoorva got 1st Position, Vidisha and Isha Verma got 2nd position and Archna verma and Vanshika got 3rd position
Salient Achievements
- Vaishnavi Singh, Batch 2020 graced with prestigious Chancellors Gold Medal in 10th Convocation among all University students.
- Shraddha Yadav & Pragati Singh, Batch 2020 graced with Silver & Bronze Medals respectively in 10th
- Shraddha Yadav secured AIR 4th rank in IACR-AIEEA- 2024 and got admission in M.Sc. Food and Nutrition at Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana with JRF.
- Vaishnavi Singh and Shraddha Yadav secured 1st and 2nd rank respectively in UPCATET- 2024 in Home Science Group.
- All pass out students are perusing higher education from different reputed Institutions like IHE Delhi University, CSAUAT, Kanpur, BBAU, Lucknow, BHU, Varanasi.
S.I. No | Title of Projects | Tenure of Projects | Funding Agency | PI/Co-PI | Funds Allotted (In Lakhs) | Status (Completed / Ongoing) |
1. | Enhancing the Productivity of Farm Women by Reducing Drudgery in Bundelkhand Region of U.P. | 01 years | RKVY-RAFTAAR | PI: Dr. DikshaGautam Co-PI:Dr. Vandana Kumari Dr. Saurabh Dr. Deepti Bhargava Dr. Pankaj Ojha | 79.13 | Approved |
2. | Socio-Economic Development of People of Bundelkhand Region through Skill and Entrepreneurship Development | 03 Years | In House project, BUAT, Banda | PI: Dr. Saurabh Co-PI:Dr. Vandana Kumari Dr. Deepti Bhargava Dr. Amit Singh Dr. B.S. Rajpoot Dr. Abhishek Kalia Dr. Yogesh Y. Sumthane Dr.Diksha Gautam | 12.01 | Ongoing |
3. | Empowerment of Rural Women in Bundelkhand Region through Food Processing (Agricultural Products) | 2 Years | UPCAR | PI: Dr. Vandana Kumari Co-PI: Dr. Saurabh Dr. B.K. Gupta Dr. DikshaGautam, | 29.04 | Approved |
Faculty Participation in Capacity Development Programme/Seminar/Workshops:
S.I. No | Name & Designation | Nature of Programme | Name of Programme | Date | Venue | |
1. | Dr. Saurabh, Assistant Professor | 01 day National Webinar | Science and Gender Equality: Celebration of International Day of Women and girls in science, 2022. | 11 February, 2022 | College of Community and Applied Science, MPUA&T, Udaipur, Rajasthan | |
2. | Dr. Saurabh, Assistant Professor | 02 day International Webinar | Health and Spiritual Intelligence for Professional Excellence. | 17-18 February, 2022 | College of Community and Applied Science, MPUA&T, Udaipur, Rajasthan | |
3. | Dr. Saurabh, Assistant Professor | 03 days Quality Improvement Training Programme | Advances in chemical processing and finishing Technique of Natural Fiber based Textiles. | 24-26 February, 2022 | ICAR- National Institute of Natural fiber Engineering and Technology, Kolkata, West Bengal | |
4. | Dr. Deepti Bhargava, Assistant Professor | 03 days Quality Improvement Training Programme | Advances in chemical processing and finishing Technique of Natural Fiber based Textiles. | 24-26 February, 2022 | ICAR- National Institute of Natural fiber Engineering and Technology, Kolkata, West Bengal | |
5. | Dr. Vandana Kumari, Associate Professor | 02 days National Seminar | Recreational sports activities and adolescent development: A multidisciplinary prospective. | 13-14 March, 2022 | Govt. girls Degree College DLW, Varanasi | |
6. | Dr. Deepti Bhargava Assistant Professor | Webinar | 5 days Intellectual Property Rights Awareness Webinar Series | 1 Aug – 5 Aug, 2022 | Online | |
7. | Dr. Saurabh (Assistant Professor) | 21 days Winter School | Innovative Approaches to Agripreneurship: Ideation to Implementation | 07-27 January, 2023 | RPCAU, Pusa, Samastipur (Bihar)-848125 | |
8. | Dr. Vandana Kumari | International Conference | Sustainable Development and Globalization: New Challenges and Opportunities | 29th& 30th March,2023 | Rajkiya Mahila Snatkottar Mahavidyalaya, Banda | |
9. | Dr. Diksha Gautam (Assistant Professor)
| 4-week Faculty Induction/ Orientation Programme | Online Induction Training /Orientation Programme for Faculty in Universities | 22 March to 20 April, 2023 | Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi (Online) | |
10. | Dr. Diksha Gautam (Assistant Professor)
| 6th International Conference | Strategies and Challenges in Agricultural and Life Science for Food Security and Sustainable Environment | 28-30 April, 2023
| Himanchal Pradesh University, Shimla, H.P. (Virtual Mode) | |
11. | Dr. Vandana Kumari (Associate Professor) | 7 Days Online Faculty Development Programme | MOOCs and e-content Development | 29 April to 05 May, 2023 | PMMMNMTT- Khalsa College, New Delhi, Ministry of Education, GoI | |
12. | Dr. Saurabh (Assistant Professor) | 7 Days Online Faculty Development Programme | MOOCs and e-content Development | 29 April to 05 May, 2023 | PMMMNMTT- Khalsa College, New Delhi, Ministry of Education, GoI | |
13. | Dr. Vandana Kumari (Associate Professor) | Training Programme | Operationalization and Usage of Agri-DIKSHA Web Education Channel | 29 to 31 May,2023 | ICAR-IASRI Division of Computer Application, PUSA, New Delhi (Online) | |
14. | Diksha Gautam (Assistant Professor) | |||||
15. | Dr. Saurabh (Assistant Professor) | |||||
16. | Dr. Saurabh (Assistant Professor) | 01 Day Online Training Programme | IP Awareness Programme | 02 June, 2023 | Intellectual Property Office, India | |
17. | Dr. Saurabh (Assistant Professor) | 03 Days Training Programme (Offline) | Promotion of Agri-based SMEs in rural India through Institutional credit flow | 26-28 June, 2023 | MANAGE, Hydrabad | |
18. | Dr. Saurabh (Assistant Professor) | 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (Hybrid) | “Advances in Biological Research and Environmental Sustainability” | 17-21 June, 2023 | Royal Regantris Kuta, Jalan, Bakung No. 110, Bali, Indonesia | |
19. | Dr. Vandana Kumari (Associate Professor) | Online Workshop | National Education Policy-2020 with focus on Online, ODL Education and SWAYAM & MOOCs | 19 July, 2023 | UGC-Human Resource Development Centre Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. | |
20. | Dr. Diksha Gautam (Assistant Professor) | Online MOOC training | Digital Teaching Techniques | 1 Oct.-31 Oct., 2023 | ICAR NAARM, Hyderabad. | |
21. | Dr. Deepti Bhargava, Assistant Professor
| 5 days online Training Programme | “Value Chain Management in Natural Fibres” | 20 Nov.- 24 Nov. 2023 | ICAR National Institute of Natural Fibre Engineering & Technology, Kolkata in Collaboration with NIAEM (MANAGE) Hyderabad | |
22. | Dr. Deepti Bhargava, Assistant Professor
| 14 days Online Refresher Course | Technological Advancements in Research and Higher Education | 16–29 February, 2024 | UGC- Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Center, Doctor Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar | |
23. | Dr. Diksha Gautam (Assistant Professor) | Online International Conference | International Conference on Environment and Agriculture: New Technological Application | 30-31 March, 2024 | SBSRD Society, Prayagaraj in Collaboration with ZSI, Kolkata (W.B.) | |
24. | Dr. Diksha Gautam (Assistant Professor) | Online National seminar | Inspire inclusion and Nari Samman Samaroh -2024 | 8 March, 2024 | SBSRD Society, Prayagraj. | |
25. | Dr. Saurabh (Assistant Professor) | Faculty Development Training Program | Preparation, Characterization and Applications of Coated Textiles | 29 April-28 May, 2024 | ICAR- Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute Avikanagar, Rajasthan- 304501 |
- A. Laboratory:
S. No | Name of Department | Laboratory |
1. | Department of Human Development & Family Studies | Laboratory Nursery School cum Day Care Centre as child observatory |
2. | Department of Textile and Apparel Designing | i. Apparel Designing Laboratory ii. Dyeing/ Printing & Finishing Lab |
3. | Department of Family Resource Management | Interior Design and Decoration Laboratory |
4. | Department of Food and Nutrition Science | Processing And Product Development Laboratory |
- B. Units running in College
- Gramin Mahila Kaushal Vikas Kendra
- Balika Health Club
- Mahila Adhyan Kendra
- Art Gallery cum Museum
- C. Common Room
- D. Mother and Child Care room
- E. Rest Room
- F. Ramp & Washroom for disabled person

Distinguished Visitors:
S. No. | Name | Designation | Year of Visit |
1. | Mrs. Anandi Ben Patel | Hon’ble Governor | January, 2024 |
2. | Mrs. Durga Sakti Nagpal | DM, Banda | January, 2024 |
3. | Dr. Sabiha Rahmani | Professor, Rajkiya Mahila SnatkotarMahavidyalay, Banda | March, 2024 |
4. | Dr. Kanchan Singh | Gemologist, Banda | March, 2024 |
5. | Dr. Suman Bhanot | Reted. Professor, NDUAT, Kumarganj, Ayodhya | July, 2024 |
6. | Dr. Shalini | Professor, BBAU, Lucknow | July, 2024 |
7. | Dr. Shanti Balda | Professor, HAU, Hishar | July, 2024 |
8. | Dr. Juhi Yadav | Professor, Rani Durgawati Medical College, Banda | March, 2022 |
9. | Dr. Deepali Gupta | Principal, Rajkiya Mahila SnatkotarMahavidyalay, Banda | March, 2022 |
Pictorial Representation of Various Activities:

College In News:

Academic Info
- Administration Profile
- Infrastructure
- Faculty
- Directorates