Central Library
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About RMG Library

The University Library was established with the establishment of the University in 2010. The University Library was renamed as “Rashtrakavi Maithilisharan Gupt Central Library” on 27 January, 2022. Rashtrakavi Maithilisharan Gupt Central Library is the Central Library of Banda University of Agriculture & Technology, Banda- 210 001, (U.P.). The University Library provides source of information and facilities for teaching, learning, educational and research programmes of the University. Library delivers a wide spectrum of services by helping students with textbooks, reference books and periodicals, e-books and up-to-date literature on every subject for students, teachers, scientists and research scholars. The Library is centrally located with an easy access from all the colleges of the University campus, hostels and residential areas. It has 3610 sq. feet area the Library has acquisition section, e-resources section, circulation section, periodicals and thesis sections. The Library has capacity to accommodate more than 300 readers at a time. It has 13, 277 books and other reading materials, National and International journals, weekly and monthly magazines and daily newspapers in English and Hindi. Apart from books on technical subjects related to discipline and courses, it houses books of general interest like management, education, communication, computer science etc.The Library provides Wi-Fi facility for its users. The Library is member of KrishiKosh, Shodh Shuddhi and Jgate-CeRA (Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture).
The University Library has been driven by ethos of continuous improvement to meet the challenges of information explosion and the paradigm shift that the libraries have gone through globally in providing access to information/ e- resources. The entire collection of the library is accessible every time of the year through OPAC. Besides, the library is a member of collaborative digital repository called Krishikosh, provides access to e-books and theses submitted by the university students. Students can avail assistance in preparing research papers, plagiarism check etc. The library has inviting ambiance and spaces for group study, quite reading and solo study.
The Library uses KOHA ILMS (Integrated library management software) which was fully automated in 2021. The circulation module of the software covers all the operations of the circulations right from creating member records to printing of reminders for outstanding books. The key features of the module are single screen issue, return and renewal with total details of members, membership records with photo and statistical reports on membership.
Library provides the correct information to the right users at the right time and in the right given format. The vision of the Library is to support the University and its stakeholders by providing seamless axis's to the broadest possible spectrum of information resources such as digital, online database, print and non-print materials relevant to the academic communities curricular, informational and innovative research needs.
The mission is to provide updated information required to the students and staff of all colleges to achieve their highest academic, research and extension potential. Also to support teaching faculty, researchers and administrative staff to participate in interactive information that complements education, reflective thinking and development of thoughts uses contemporary knowledge in the relevant field.
Library Collection
Sr. No | Name of Item | Quantity |
1. | Books | 13, 277 |
2. | e- books | 32 |
3. | Theses M.Sc. | 273 |
4. | Thesis Ph.D. | 16 |
5. | Subscribed Print Magazines (Monthly) | 14 |
6. | Newspapers | 05 |
7. | Bound Print journals | 214 |
8. | Manuals | 77 |
Subscribed Print Magazines
Sr. No. | Title of Magazines |
2. | KHETI |
6. | YOJNA |
Subscribed Print Newspaper
Sr. No. | Newspaper |
1. | The Hindu |
2. | The Times of India |
3. | nSfud tkxj.k |
4. | fgUnqLrku |
5. | Employment Newspaper |
- Reference Service: Library Staff help the users to find documents and answer research questions.
- Circulation Service: RMG central library lend books and other materials to registered members for a set period of time.
- Digital library Service: RMG Central Library offers online services such as reserving, renewing and requesting materials.
- Virtual Library Services: RMG Central Library provides many services to our valuable patrons such as:
- On this day- This service is related to history on a specific day in the field of science, technology, art, commerce etc.
- Useful Information- Entrepreneurship, topic of the week.
- E-books- Various open access books.
- E-Journals & Magazines- Various open access Journals & magazines.
- Thesis- Various open access thesis & dissertation.
- Video Library- Useful collection of educational video.
- Online Courses- Online courses of ICAR & Ministry of Education etc.
- New Arrivals- You can find list of new arrivals.
- Current Awareness Services: Our Library provides updates to users on the latest information in their areas of interest.
- Reading Hall Facility: Fully Air Conditions Reading Hall Capacity of about 300 readers.
- Ask the Librarian: The RMG Central Library aims to resolve all of your queries regarding your informational needs on a 24/7 basis.
- Best Practice:
- 09: 30 AM to 05:30 PM Issue & Return Facility
- Reading Hall timing 09:30 AM to 12:00 PM
- CCTV Surveillance
- Feedback Mechanism through Email
- Information Desk
- Separate Reading Room for Faculty & Research Scholars
- Wi-Fi Facility
- Web OPAC: Patrons can search desired books from available books in the library through (Online Public Access Catalogue).
- Plagiarism Service: RMG Central library has DrillBit Plagiarism detection software to check Plagiarism of PG & Ph.D. theses and related manuscripts.
- Reprography Service: Reprography facility is available in the library on payment basis for students.
Rules of Library
With the purchase of several required text books, reference books, journals, literature etc., the library rules were required to regulate the use of library facility. These rules are intended to regulate the use of University Library resources and will be reviewed time to time to meet the changing needs.
- Library Hours (Working Days)
Sr. No.
| Section/Service
| Timings
1. | Reading Hall | 09:30 am to 12:00 am (Monday- Saturday) 09:30 am to 02:00 pm (Sunday) |
2. | Book Circulation Section | 09:30 am to 05:30 pm |
3. | E- Resource Section | 09:30 am to 05:30 pm. |
4. | Photocopy & Print Service | 02:00 pm to 05:00 pm |
NOTE: Timings are subjected to change time to time in accordance with the orders of the University Librarian.
- Membership and Library Use
2.1 Teachers, Students, Research Scientists, Extension Workers, Office and other staff members of University can become members of Library by submitting duly filled a prescribed application form through proper channel and agreeing to abide by rules and regulations of Library of Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda. Library membership will be renewed annually with the commencement of Academic Session.
2.2 Pensioners of the University and Wards of the University employees may also use the Library resources with permission of appropriate authority on payment of refundable Security Fee.
2.3 Other persons such as Guest and Contractual Teachers of the University and special members on the recommendations of the officers of the University/Heads of Departments, subject to the approval of the University Librarian/Vice-Chancellor may also use the Library resources on deposit of security money.
2.4 Library membership card issued to members is strictly non-transferable and is to be renewed every year. A lost Library membership card if found should be immediately deposited in the Library. Failure to comply or its misuse can lead to cancellation of membership, if a duplicate Card has been issued.
2.5 Sign in "Visitors' Register" before entering the library. Your signature is the evidence of your prestigious visit to the Central Library; it is a token of your respect to the Library and study materials, and helps in preparing user statistics.
- Access to Books
The readers have free access to books and periodicals which are on the open shelves. Text books, rare books, thesis and dissertations can be consulted only in the assigned area as per directions of the Librarian.
- Library Services
Members are free to seek the assistance of Library staff in selecting reading material, checking of references, searching of misplaced reading materials, compilations of bibliographies, procurement of documents, etc. Members are free to recommend new books or Journals for the library and to suggest improvement in Library services. Suggestions and recommendations, duly signed can be put in the suggestion box placed on the circulation counter.
- Admission to the Library
Before entering the Library, the Library user should sign a register kept at the Library gate and leave his/her personal belongings such as printed material, radio, tape recorder, bags, hand bags, rain coat, umbrella, etc. with the attendant at the entrance of Library and keep their mobile phones in silent mode in the Library.
- Issuing and Return of Library Documents/Books
Normal issue/return of Library reading material is suspended one hour before closing except over night issue. The books borrowed for overnight must be returned within an hour of the opening of the Library on the next day. Reading material can be temporarily loaned to the departments if they are needed for consultation by the members of the departments.
The Librarian can recall any Library reading material at any time if necessity arises. A valid member of the Library may borrow books for a limited period specified by the committee time to time. The number of books issued to under graduate and post graduate students, faculty members and non teaching staff, research fellows and special members will be decided and modified time to time by the committee. If the due date for return of the book falls on holiday the next working day will be considered as due date to deposit the borrowed book(s).
Entitlement for borrowing books from the central Library:
Sr. No. | Users | No. of Books, Manuals etc. |
1. | Undergraduate Students | 03 |
2. | Post Graduate Students | 03 |
3. | Teaching Staff | 05 |
4. | Non Teaching Staff | 02 |
5. | Research Fellow (Jr./Sr.) | 03 |
6. | Special Members | 02 |
Duration of issuing books and other materials from the central Library:
Sr. No. | Name of Item | Users | Days |
1. | General Books | All Types users | 14 |
2. | Reference Books, Abstract and Index | All Types users | Overnight Only |
3. | Current Periodicals | All Types users | Not to be issued |
4. | Bound Periodicals & Serials | Teachers and Officers of the University | Overnight Only |
5. | Thesis, Rare Books and Micro–Form Reading Materials | All Types users | Not to be issued |
- Books will be issued subject to their availability in the Library.
- Few books will be reserved for use in the Library premises.
- Duration of issuing books could vary depending upon the availability of books and requirements of other teachers.
- Overdue Charges
The following overdue charges are recovered for library material retained longer than period of loan from all borrowers:
NOTE:- Fine can be reduced or remitted on reasonable grounds by the university Librarian or any official authorized by him or on his behalf.
7.1 Loss of Library Membership Card
Loss or misplacement of membership card should be reported immediately to Circulation Desk/Librarian of the University Library. However, the Library Member shall be still responsible for the books issued on his/her Library Membership Card. Duplicate Library Membership Card will be issued on payment of Rs. 100/- on the recommendation of the Controlling Officer after one month from the date of report of loss to the issuing authority. Then the old/lost card will stand cancelled. The charges of duplicate membership card will be decided by committee appointed by competent authority.
7.2 Books
7.2.1 General Books: The Library Member, who has lost a book/document, should have to replace each lost book/document by a new copy of same or latest edition. Replacement should be completed within a month from the due date of deposition of the book in the Library. If the misplaced book is traced, it should be immediately deposited along with fine as per rules. The fine, however, may be remitted or reduced if the Librarian feels that the loss of book was due to reasons beyond control of the borrower.
In case the lost book is out of print, the charges will be as under:
(i) Current price of the book plus processing charges decided by committee time to time.
(ii) If current price of the book is not available; then the original price of book plus 10% increase in price per year from the date of its procurement subject to the maximum of double of its original price.
(iii) In case the lost book is received free of cost and price is not given in any of the catalogue available in the Library, Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor is authorized to fix reasonable price on the recommendation of Librarian.
7.2.2 Text Books, Rare and Reference Books: Charges will be more than the current price and decided by committee time to time. The cost of the complete set may have to be paid for the loss of a single volume if it is not available separately.
7.2.3 Periodicals Single issue of Periodicals: Replacement within three months or the cost of the volume if its issue is not available. Bound Volume of a Periodical: Replacement of the volume or four times the cost of the volume.
7.3 Loss of Property Counter Token
Charges will be paid by users as per library rules, if they have lost token of property counter.
- Photocopying Service: Photocopy Service available on payment basis.
- General Rules of Library
9.1 Library users are not allowed to take along them the personal books, printed reading material etc. inside the Library premises/Reading Hall. Similarly other personal belongings such Radio, Tape recorder, Bags, Hand bags, Rain coat and Umbrella etc. are strictly prohibited inside the Library and these should be deposited at proper counter. They are advised not to leave cell phones, purse, money, credit card and other valuables in the hand bag outside the Library as University will not be responsible for their loss.
9.2 All members are required to bring their Library Membership Card and produce it whenever asked for identification.
9.3 Borrowing and returning of the books, payment of fine or charges, application for membership cards etc. must be done through Circulation Desk between 10 am to 05:00 pm on working days.
9.4 Library Membership may be withdrawn/ cancelled, if a member is found taking books out of Library without proper authorization, disfiguring and mutilating books in any way.
9.5 Books shall be recalled and their issuing will be suspended during the period of stock checking/verification.
9.6 No reading material should be issued to a borrower if he/she is drawing books for outsiders.
9.7 Any kind of edibles is not allowed inside the Library. Smoking/chewing of tobacco and other kind of intoxicants is strictly prohibited inside the Library premises.
9.8 Use of phone of any kind or playing music inside the Library is prohibited. Mobile phones should be switched off or kept in silent mode in the Library.
9.9 Any change of address and designation, phone/ mobile no. etc. of Library member should be reported immediately to Library In charge.
9.10 Any change of address and designation, phone/mobile No., etc. of Library Member should be reported immediately to Librarian.
9.11 Library users should maintain strict pin drop silence inside the Library premises.
9.12 The Library users must make sincere efforts to keep the Library clean. Chairs and tables and other Library materials, fittings, furniture etc. should not be marked, defaced or disarranged.
9.13 Absence/leave from the University will not be considered as an excuse for the delay in the return of the books.
9.14 Under special circumstances, the Library In charge may refuse to issue the books, and recall the books already issued to any member without assigning any reason thereof.
9.15 The new books, periodicals, received in the Library will be displayed for a week/fortnight only or till there is space vacant at the 'New Periodicals Desk'. As soon as new/current periodicals are received, old periodicals will be removed and placed in other racks meant for the purpose.
9.16 Members are welcome to recommend new books or journals or other documents for the Library and to suggest improvement in Library services. Suggestions and recommendations, duly signed may be submitted to Library In charge.
9.17 Reference books, news papers, magazines and journals should not be taken out of the Library.
9.18 The Library may accept donation of manuscripts, books, periodicals etc. from the donors. Such donations once accepted will become the sole property of the University. In lieu of donation, the acknowledgement will be made to the donors.
9.19 On transfer, retirement or while leaving the University job, the Library Member must return all the Library books borrowed by him/her and clear all Library dues to obtain "No Dues Certificate' from Library In charge.
9.20 He/She must produce his/her identity card at the security counter and has to enter the name in the register.
9.21 Library card have to be returned at the time of No dues.
9.22 Reserve books will be issued for overnight only.
9.23 Books shall not be reissued to the same borrower if some other user requested for the same book.
9.24 Borrowers must satisfy about the physical condition of the books before borrowing otherwise they will be held responsible for damage of the book.
9.25 Visitors found talking loudly, shouting or quarreling with other visitors or staff or indulging in eve teasing or any other act of indiscipline shall be liable to punishment as per university rules.
9.26 Damage to Library property may lead to withdrawal of library facilities and disciplinary action will be taken.
9.27 Any member who is found guilty of taking book out of the library without authorization shall be liable for punishment by librarian.
9.28 University Librarian is competent to impose any or more of the following penalties, if any student is found guilty of any act of indiscipline like-warning, fine, temporary or permanent withdrawal from library facilities and banning entry to the library.
10. Use of computers:
- Computer in the library premises should be used for academic purposes only.
- Online chatting/ playing games/ browsing of social networking sites are strictly prohibited.
- Changing the settings and display of the computers kept in the Library is not permitted.
- Readers should not remove/unplug computer cables/connections, network cables and other peripherals/accessories in the library.
- Personal keyboard, mouse, etc. are not allowed inside the Library.
- Students must take care of their Pen drives, CD/DVD, mobiles and wallets etc.
Aims and Objectives:
- To strengthen the efforts of the librarian in planning library activities and policies.
- To take the feedback from the departments and plan for improvement and enrichment of the library.
After the approval of competent authority LAC is constituted to look after the RMG central Library, Banda University of Agriculture & Technology, Banda related matter of planning, execution, budget etc. for the smooth functioning of the Library:
- S.V. Dwivedi, Dean of CoH Chairman
- Sanjeev Kumar, Dean of CoF Member
- Vandana Kumari, Asso. Dean of CoCSc Member
- Kamaluddin, Librarian RMG Central Library Member Secretary
The library committee will ensure that proper care is taken with regard to the following.
- The Member Secretary shall issue the notice for convening the meeting along with a copy of the agenda to each member before the committee meeting after obtaining the approval of the Chairman LAC.
- Minutes of meetings shall be recorded by the Member Secretary and circulated to all the members for consideration and approval after obtaining the consent of the Chairman LAC/Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor.
- LAC shall consider policy matters related to university library including the policy for procurement of books, journals, e-resources, and render advice to the Librarian for library procurements.
The committee shall consider and put forward the views of faculty members, students and research scholars to look after the library related matters such as planning, policies, execution of budget etc.
Library is one of the most important parts of University, which facilitates and supports the teaching, research and extension services. The Central Library of Banda University of Agriculture & Technology is named as "Rashtrakavi Maithilisharan Gupt Central Library". Library rules were first developed and approved by the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor on 18 January 2013. These rules were further updated and approved by academic council meeting on 22nd February 2014. Library was finally shifted from Multipurpose Hall to ground floor of College of Agriculture in December 2015 until a full-fledged Library building is constructed in the Campus. The library has been divided into two reading halls, one book section, one circulation section, one multimedia hall and one office. It is managed and operated by two faculty members (In-charge Librarian & Assistant Librarian) and three supporting staff (Out sourcing).
The University Library has been driven by ethos of continuous improvement to meet the challenges of information explosion and the paradigm shift that the libraries have gone through globally in providing access to information/ e- resources. The entire collection of the library is accessible every time of the year through OPAC. Besides, the library is a member of collaborative digital repository called Krishikosh, provides access to e-books and theses submitted by the university students. Students can avail assistance in preparing research papers, plagiarism check etc. The library has inviting ambiance and spaces for group study, quite reading and solo study.
The Library uses KOHA ILMS (Integrated library management software) which was fully automated in 2021. The circulation module of the software covers all the operations of the circulations right from creating member records to printing of reminders for outstanding books. The key features of the module are single screen issue, return and renewal with total details of members, membership records with photo and statistical reports on membership.
The mission is to provide updated information required to the students and staff of all colleges to achieve their highest academic, research and extension potential. Also to support teaching faculty, researchers and administrative staff to participate in interactive information that complements education, reflective thinking and development of thoughts uses contemporary knowledge in the relevant field.
Library provides the correct information to the right users at the right time and in the right given format. The vision of the Library is to support the University and its stakeholders by providing seamless axis's to the broadest possible spectrum of information resources such as digital, online database, print and non-print materials relevant to the academic communities curricular, informational, and innovative research needs.
Purpose of Policy:
- Policies provide the framework for library operations and services.
- Development policies can help to ensure high-quality library services, wise use of library resources and fair treatment of library staff and library users.
- Provide curriculum books and promote educational, research, cultural, and information requirements of students, teachers, researchers, and general users.
- Provide direction, including requirements, standards, and boundaries for the conduct, as well as the consistent implementation of daily library operations for users and staff.
Library Services for users:
The Library offers the following facilities to the students and staff:
- Photocopying facility is available in the library on payment basis for students. The photo copy charges are fixed time to time by the committee appointed by competent authority.
- Overnight issuance of Reference Books.
- E-learning with the help of 11 computers.
- Journals facility through CeRA and other database.
- Reading halls and rooms with air condition facility.
- Free Wi-Fi facility for library users.
- Newspapers, Employment Newspaper and Magazines related to Agriculture and Competitive examination for library users.
- Thesis search through Krishikosh.
- OPAC to search library collections.
Rules of Library
With the purchase of several required text books, reference books, journals, literature etc., the library rules were required to regulate the use of library facility. These rules are intended to regulate the use of University Library resources and will be reviewed time to time to meet the changing needs.
- Library Hours (Working Days)
Sr. No. | Section/Services | Timings
1. | Reading Hall | 09:30 am to 12:00am (Monday- Saturday) 09:30 am to 02:00 pm (Sunday) |
2. | Book Circulation Section | 09:30 am to 05:30 pm |
3. | E- Resource Section | 09:30 am to 05:30 pm. |
4. | Photocopy & Print Service | 02:00 pm to 05:00 pm |
NOTE: Timings are subjected to change time to time in accordance with the orders of the University Librarian.
- Membership and Library Use
2.1 Teachers, Students, Research Scientists, Extension Workers, Office and other staff members of University can become members of Library by submitting duly filled a prescribed application form through proper channel and agreeing to abide by rules and regulations of Library of Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda. Library membership will be renewed annually with the commencement of Academic Session.
2.2 Pensioners of the University and Wards of the University employees may also use the Library resources with permission of appropriate authority on payment of refundable Security Fee.
2.3 Other persons such as Guest and Contractual Teachers of the University and special members on the recommendations of the officers of the University/Heads of Departments, subject to the approval of the University Librarian/Vice-Chancellor may also use the Library resources on deposit of security money.
2.4 Library membership card issued to members is strictly non-transferable and is to be renewed every year. A lost Library membership card if found should be immediately deposited in the Library. Failure to comply or its misuse can lead to cancellation of membership, if a duplicate Card has been issued.
2.5 Sign in "Visitors' Register" before entering the library. Your signature is the evidence of your prestigious visit to the Central Library, it is a token of your respect to the Library and study materials, and helps in preparing user statistics.
- Access to Books
The readers have free access to books and periodicals which are on the open shelves. Text books, rare books, thesis and dissertations can be consulted only in the assigned area as per directions of the Librarian.
- Library Services
Members are free to seek the assistance of Library staff in selecting reading material, checking of references, searching of misplaced reading materials, compilations of bibliographies, procurement of documents, etc. Members are free to recommend new books or Journals for the library and to suggest improvement in Library services. Suggestions and recommendations, duly signed can be put in the suggestion box placed on the circulation counter.
- Admission to the Library
Before entering the Library, the Library User should sign a register kept at the Library gate and leave his/her personal belongings such as printed material, radio, tape recorder, bags, hand bags, rain coat, umbrella, etc. with the attendant at the entrance of Library and keep their mobile phones in silent mode in the Library.
- Issuing and Return of Library Documents/Books
Normal issue/return of Library reading material is suspended one hour before closing except over night issue. The books borrowed for overnight must be returned within an hour of the opening of the Library on the next day. Reading material can be temporarily loaned to the departments if they are needed for consultation by the members of the departments.
The Librarian can recall any Library reading material at any time if necessity arises. A valid member of the Library may borrow books for a limited period specified by the committee time to time. The number of books issued to under graduate and post graduate students, faculty members and non teaching staff, research fellows and special members will be decided and modified time to time by the committee. If the due date for return of the book falls on holiday the next working day will be considered as due date to deposit the borrowed book(s).
Entitlement for borrowing books from the central Library:
Sr. No. | Users | No. of Books, Manuals etc. |
1. | Undergraduate Students | 03 |
2. | Post Graduate Students | 03 |
3. | Teaching Staff | 05 |
4. | Non Teaching Staff | 02 |
5. | Research Fellow (Jr./Sr.) | 03 |
6. | Special Members | 02 |
Duration of issuing books and other materials from the central Library:
Sr. No. | Name of Item | Users | Days |
1. | General Books | All Types users | 14 |
2. | Reference Books, Abstract and Index | All Types users | Overnight Only |
3. | Current Periodicals | All Types users | Not to be issued |
4. | Bound Periodicals & Serials | Teachers and Officers of the University | Overnight Only |
5. | Thesis, Rare Books and Micro – Form Reading Materials | All Types users | Not to be issued |
- Books will be issued subject to their availability in the Library.
- Few books will be reserved for use in the Library premises.
- Duration of issuing books could vary depending upon the availability of books and requirements of other teachers.
- Overdue Charges
The following overdue charges are recovered for library material retained longer than period of loan from all borrowers:
NOTE:- Fine can be reduced or remitted on reasonable grounds by the university Librarian or any official authorized by him or on his behalf.
7.1 Loss of Library Membership Card
Loss or misplacement of membership card should be reported immediately to Circulation Desk/Librarian of the University Library. However, the Library Member shall be still responsible for the books issued on his/her Library Membership Card. Duplicate Library Membership Card will be issued on payment basis on the recommendation of the Controlling Officer after one month from the date of report of loss to the issuing authority. Then the old/lost card will stand cancelled. The charges of duplicate membership card will be decided by committee appointed by competent authority.
7.2 Books
7.2.1 General Books: The Library Member, who has lost a book/document, should have to replace each lost book/document by a new copy of same or latest edition. Replacement should be completed within a month from the due date of deposition of the book in the Library. If the misplaced book is traced, it should be immediately deposited along with fine as per rules. The fine, however, may be remitted or reduced if the Librarian feels that the loss of book was due to reasons beyond control of the borrower.
In case the lost book is out of print, the charges will be as under:
(i) Current price of the book plus processing charges decided by committee time to time.
(ii) If current price of the book is not available; then the original price of book plus 10% increase in price per year from the date of its procurement subject to the maximum of double of its original price.
(iii) In case the lost book is received free of cost and price is not given in any of the catalogue available in the Library, Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor is authorized to fix reasonable price on the recommendation of Librarian.
7.2.2 Text Books, Rare and Reference Books: Charges will be more than the current price and decided by committee time to time. The cost of the complete set may have to be paid for the loss of a single volume if it is not available separately.
7.2.3 Periodicals Single issue of Periodicals: Replacement within three months or the cost of the volume if its issue is not available. Bound Volume of a Periodical: Replacement of the volume or four times the cost of the volume.
7.3 Loss of Property Counter Token
Charges will be paid by users as per library rules, if they have lost token of property counter.
- Photocopying Service: Photocopy Service available on payment basis.
- General Rules of Library
9.1 Library users are not allowed to take along them the personal books, printed reading material etc. inside the Library premises/Reading Hall. Similarly other personal belongings such Radio, Tape recorder, Bags, Hand bags, Rain coat and Umbrella etc. are strictly prohibited inside the Library and these should be deposited at proper counter. They are advised not to leave cell phones, purse, money, credit card and other valuables in the hand bag outside the Library as University will not be responsible for their loss.
9.2 All members are required to bring their Library Membership Card and produce it whenever asked for identification.
9.3 Borrowing and returning of the books, payment of fine or charges, application for membership cards etc. must be done through Circulation Desk between 10 am to 05:00 pm on working days.
9.4 Library Membership may be withdrawn/ cancelled, if a member is found taking books out of Library without proper authorization, disfiguring and mutilating books in any way.
9.5 Books shall be recalled and their issuing will be suspended during the period of stock checking/verification.
9.6 No reading material should be issued to a borrower if he/she is drawing books for outsiders.
9.7 Any kind of edibles is not allowed inside the Library. Smoking/chewing of tobacco and other kind of intoxicants is strictly prohibited inside the Library premises.
9.8 Use of phone of any kind or playing music inside the Library is prohibited. Mobile phones should be switched off or kept in silent mode in the Library.
9.9 Any change of address and designation, phone/ mobile no. etc. of Library member should be reported immediately to Library In charge.
9.10 Any change of address and designation, phone/mobile No., etc. of Library Member should be reported immediately to Librarian.
9.11 Library users should maintain strict pin drop silence inside the Library premises.
9.12 The Library users must make sincere efforts to keep the Library clean. Chairs and tables and other Library materials, fittings, furniture etc. should not be marked, defaced or disarranged.
9.13 Absence/leave from the University will not be considered as an excuse for the delay in the return of the books.
9.14 Under special circumstances, the Library In charge may refuse to issue the books, and recall the books already issued to any member without assigning any reason thereof.
9.15 The new books, periodicals, received in the Library will be displayed for a week/fortnight only or till there is space vacant at the 'New Periodicals Desk'. As soon as new/current periodicals are received, old periodicals will be removed and placed in other racks meant for the purpose.
9.16 Members are welcome to recommend new books or journals or other documents for the Library and to suggest improvement in Library services. Suggestions and recommendations, duly signed may be submitted to Library In charge.
9.17 Reference books, news papers, magazines and journals should not be taken out of the Library.
9.18 The Library may accept donation of manuscripts, books, periodicals etc. from the donors. Such donations once accepted will become the sole property of the University. In lieu of donation, the acknowledgement will be made to the donors.
9.19 On transfer, retirement or while leaving the University job, the Library Member must return all the Library books borrowed by him/her and clear all Library dues to obtain "No Dues Certificate' from Library In charge.
9.20 He/She must produce his/her identity card at the security counter and has to enter the name in the register.
9.21 Library card have to be returned at the time of No dues.
9.22 Reserve books will be issued for overnight only.
9.23 Books shall not be reissued to the same borrower if some other user requested for the same book.
9.24 Borrowers must satisfy about the physical condition of the books before borrowing otherwise they will be held responsible for damage of the book.
9.25 Visitors found talking loudly, shouting or quarreling with other visitors or staff or indulging in eve teasing or any other act of indiscipline shall be liable to punishment as per university rules.
9.26 Damage to Library property may lead to withdrawal of library facilities and disciplinary action will be taken.
9.27 Any member who is found guilty of taking book out of the library without authorization shall be liable for punishment by librarian.
9.28 University Librarian is competent to impose any or more of the following penalties, if any student is found guilty of any act of indiscipline like-warning, fine, temporary or permanent withdrawal from library facilities and banning entry to the library.
- Use of computers:
- Computer in the library premises should be used for academic purposes only.
- Online chatting/ playing games/ browsing of social networking sites are strictly prohibited.
III. Changing the settings and display of the computers kept in the Library is not permitted.
- Readers should not remove/unplug computer cables/connections, network cables and other peripherals/accessories in the library.
- Personal keyboard, mouse, etc. are not allowed inside the Library.
- Students must take care of their Pen drives, CD/DVD, mobiles and wallets etc.
Sr. No | Items | Numbers |
1 | Print Books | 13,277 |
2 | Magazines | 14 |
3 | Manuals | 77 |
4 | Newspaper (daily) | 05 |
5 | Periodicals | 1220 |
6 | Print Journals | 214 |
Sr. No | Items | Numbers |
1 | Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (Full text journals) | 721 |
2 | Krishikosh: An Institutional Repository of Indian National Agricultural Research System (Full text thesis and publications of all SAUs and Institutes of ICAR) | - - |
3 | CDs (Thesis M.Sc.) | 132 |
4 | E-books | 32 |
These rules are intended to regulate the use of University Library resources and will be reviewed from time to time to meet the changing needs.
Sr. No | Section/Service | Timings |
1 | Reading Hall | 09:30 am to 08:00 pm |
2 | Book Section | 09:30 am to 05:30 pm |
3 | Multimedia Section/ ARIS Cell | 09:30 am to 05:30 pm |
4 | JRF Section | 09:30 am to 08:00 pm |
5 | Photocopy & Print Service | 02:00 pm to 05:00 pm |
6 | Reading Hall | 09:30 am to 01:30 pm (Second Saturday & Sunday) |
NOTE: Timings are subject to change from time to time in accordance with the orders of the university Librarian.
2.1 Teachers, Students, Research Scientists, Extension Workers, Office and other staff members of University can become members of Library by submitting duly filled a prescribed application form through proper channel and agreeing to abide by rules and regulations of Library of Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda. Library membership will be renewed annually with the commencement of Academic Session.
2.2 Pensioners of the University and Wards of the University employees may also use the Library resources with permission of appropriate authority on payment of refundable Security Fee.
2.3 Other persons such as Guest and Contractual Teachers of the University working in the University and special members on the recommendations of the officers of the University/Heads of Departments, subject to the approval of the University Librarian/Vice- Chancellor may also use the Library resources on payment of the following charges:
Sr. No | Members | Refundable Security Fee (Rs.) |
1 | Guest and Contractual Teachers of the University | Rs. 2000/- |
2 | Retired Teachers and Scientists of the University | Rs. 2000/- |
3 | Special Members | Rs. 3000/- + Annual membership fee of Rs.1000/- |
2.4 Library membership card issued to members is strictly non-transferable and is to be renewed every year. A lost Library membership card if found should be immediately deposited in the Library. Failure to comply or its misuse can lead to cancellation of membership, if a duplicate Card has been issued.
2.5 Sign in "Visitors' Register" before entering the library. Your signature is the evidence of your prestigious visit to the Library; it is a token of your respect to the Library and study materials, and helps in preparing user statistics.
The readers have free access to books and periodicals which are on the open shelves. Text books, rare books, thesis and dissertations can be consulted only in the assigned area as per directions of the Librarian.
Members are free to seek the assistance of Library staff in selecting reading material, checking of references, searching of misplaced reading materials, compilations of bibliographies, procurement of documents, etc. Members are free to recommend new books or Journals for the library and to suggest improvement in Library services. Suggestions and recommendations, duly signed can be put in the suggestion box placed on the circulation counter.
Before entering the Library, the Library User should sign a register kept at the Library gate and leave his/her personal belongings such as printed material, Radio, Tape Recorder, Bags, Handbags, Rain coat, Umbrella, etc. with the Attendant at the entrance of Library, mobile phones in silent mode
Normal issue/return of Library reading material is suspended one hour before closing except over night issue. The books borrowed for overnight must be returned within an hour of the opening of the Library on the next day. Reading material can be temporarily loaned to the departments if they are needed for consultation by the members of the departments.
The Librarian can recall any Library reading material at any time if necessity arises. A valid member of the Library may borrow books for a limited period specified in the following Tables. If the due date for return of the book falls on holiday the next working day will be considered as due date to deposit the borrowed book(s).
7.1 Entitlement for borrowing books from the Library
Sr. No | Users | Total No. of Books, Manuals etc. |
1 | Undergraduate Students | 03 |
2 | Post Graduate Students | 03 |
3 | Teaching Staff | 05 |
4 | Non Teaching Staff | 02 |
5 | Research Fellow (Jr./Sr.) | 03 |
6 | Special Members | 02 |
7.2 Duration of issuing books and other materials from the Library:
Sr. No | Items/ category | Days |
1 | General Books | 14 days |
2 | Reference Books, Abstracts and indexes | For overnight only |
3 | Current Periodicals | Not to be issued |
4 | Bound periodicals & serials to be issued to postgraduate students, teachers and officers of the university | Overnight only |
5 | Thesis, rare books and micro-form reading materials | Not to be issued |
Books will be issued subject to their availability in the Library.
Few books will be reserved for use in the Library premises.
Duration of issuing books could vary depending upon the availability of books and requirements of other teachers pending with the Librarian.
The following overdue charges are recovered for library material retained longer than period of loan from all borrowers:
8.1: General Books: Rs. 1/- per day
8.2: General Books: Rs. 1/- per day
8.3: Overnight text books and bound Periodicals: Rs. 1/- per hour
8.4: Overnight Text Books: Rs. 1/-per hour per book
8.5: Overnight Bound Periodicals: Rs. 1/- per volume per hour
Note: Fine can be reduced or remitted on reasonable grounds by the university Librarian or any official authorized by him on his behalf.
Following charges are recovered from the borrowers for the loss of any Library material.
9.1 Books
9.1.1 General Books: The Library Member, who has lost a book/document, should have to replace each lost book/document by a new copy of same or latest edition. Replacement should be completed within a month from the due date of deposition of the book in the Library. If the misplaced book is traced, it should be immediately deposited along with fine as per rules. The fine, however, may be remitted or reduced if the Librarian feels that the loss of book was due to reasons beyond control of the borrower.
In case the lost book is out of print, the charges will be as under:
(i) Current price of the book plus Rs. 50/- as processing charges.
(ii) If current price of the book is not available; then the original price of book plus 10% increase in price per year from the date of its procurement subject to the maximum of double of its original price.
(iii) In case the lost book is received free of cost and price is not given in any of the catalogue available in the Library, Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor is authorized to fix reasonable price on the recommendation of Librarian.
9.1.2 Text Books, Rare and Reference Books: Rs.150/- over and above the current price. The cost of the complete set may have to be paid for the loss of a single volume if it is not available separately.
9.2 Periodicals
9.2.1 Single issue of Periodicals: Replacement within three months or the cost of the volume if its issue is not available.
9.2.2 Bound Volume of a Periodical: Replacement of the volume or four times the cost of the volume.
9.3 Loss of Library Membership card: Loss or misplacement of membership card should be reported immediately to Circulation Desk/ Librarian of the University Library. However, the Library Member shall be still responsible for the books issued on his/her Library Membership Card. Duplicate Library Membership Card will be issued on payment of Rs. 100/- on the recommendation of the Controlling Officer after one month from the date of report of loss to the issuing authority. Then the old/lost card will stand cancelled.
9.4 Loss of Property Counter Token: Rs. 10/- will be charged for the loss of token of property counter.
Photocopy machine available in the library on payment basis.
11.1: Library users are not allowed to take along them the personal books, printed reading material etc. inside the Library premises/Reading Hall. Similarly other personal belongings such Radio, Tape recorder, Bags, Hand bags, Rain coat and Umbrella etc. are strictly prohibited inside the Library and these should be deposited at proper counter. They are advised not to leave cell phones, purse, money, credit card and other valuables in the hand bag outside the Library as University will not be responsible for their loss.
11.2:All members are required to bring their Library Membership Card and produce it whenever asked for identification.
11.3:Borrowing and returning of the books, payment of fine or charges, application for membership cards etc. must be done through Circulation Desk between 10 am to 05:00 pm on working days.
11.4:Library Membership may be withdrawn/cancelled if a member is found taking books out of Library without proper authorization, disfiguring and mutilating books in any way.
11.5:Books shall be recalled and their issuing will be suspended during the period of stock checking/verification.</BR>11.6:No reading material should be issued to a borrower if he/she is drawing books for outsiders.
11.7:Any kind of edibles is not allowed inside the Library. Smoking/chewing of tobacco and other kind of intoxicants is strictly prohibited inside the Library premises.
11.8:Use of phone of any kind or playing music inside the Library is prohibited. Mobile phones should be switched off or kept in silent mode in the Library.11.9:Any change of address and designation, phone/ mobile no.,etc. of Library member should be reported immediately to Library In charge.11.10:
Any change of address and designation, phone/mobile No., etc. of Library Member should be reported immediately to Library In charge.11.11:Library users should maintain strict pin drop silence inside the Library premises.11.12:The Library users must make sincere efforts to keep the Library clean. Chairs and tables and other Library materials, fittings, furniture etc. should not be marked, defaced or disarranged.
11.13:Absence/leave from the University will not be considered as an excuse for the delay in the return of the books.
11.14: Under special circumstances, the Library In charge may refuse to issue the books, and recall the books already issued to any member without assigning any reason thereof.
11.15: The new books, periodicals, received in the Library will be displayed for a week/fortnight only or till there is space vacant at the 'New Periodicals Desk'. As soon as new/current periodicals are received, old periodicals will be removed and placed in other racks meant for the purpose.
11.16: Members are welcome to recommend new books or journals or other documents for the Library and to suggest improvement in Library services. Suggestions and recommendations, duly signed may be submitted to Library In charge.
11.17:Reference books, news papers, magazines and journals should not be taken out of the Library.
11.18: The Library may accept donation of manuscripts, books, periodicals etc. from the donors. Such donations once accepted will become the sole property of the University. In lieu of donation, the acknowledgement will be made to the donors.
11.19: On transfer, retirement or while leaving the University job, the Library Member must return all the Library books borrowed by him/her and clear all Library dues to obtain 'No Dues Certificate' from Library In charge.
11.20: He/She must produce his/her identity card at the security counter and has to enter the name in the register.
11.21: Library card have to be returned at the time of No dues.
11.22: Reserve books will be issued for overnight only.
11.23: Books shall not be reissued to the same borrower if some other user requested for the same book.
11.24: Borrowers must satisfy about the physical condition of the books before borrowing otherwise they will be held responsible for damage of the book.
11.25: Visitors found talking loudly, shouting or quarreling with other visitors or staff or indulging in eve teasing or any other act of indiscipline shall be liable to punishment as per university rules.
11.26: Damage to Library property may lead to withdrawal of library facilities and disciplinary action will be taken.
11.27: Any member who is found guilty of taking book out of the library without authorization shall be liable for punishment by librarian.
11.28: University librarian is competent to impose any or more of the following penalties, if any student is found guilty of any act of indiscipline like-warning, fine, temporary or permanent withdrawal from library facilities and banning entry to the library.
1: Computer in the library premises should be used for academic purposes only.
2: Online chatting/ playing games/ browsing of social networking sites is strictly prohibited.
3: Changing the settings and display of the computers kept in the Library is not permitted.
4: Readers should not remove/unplug computer cables/connections, network cables and other peripherals/accessories in the library.
5: Personal keyboard, mouse, etc. are not allowed inside the Library.
6: Students must take care of their Pen drives, CD/DVD ROMs, mobiles and wallets etc.

Dr. Kamaluddin Professor, Genetics and Plant Breeding Mob: +91 63934 25799 Email: kamaluddinpbg@gmail.com

Assistant Librarian
Dr. H.S. Negi Assistant Professor Plant Pathology Mob: +91 73105 49071 Email:hoshinegi@gmail.com
- (CeRA) Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture
https://jgateplus.com/search/ - E- Books
https://scholarkart.in/my-account/downloads - Krishikosh (An Institutional Repository of Indian National Agriculture Research System)
- (CeRA) Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture
- e-Sodh Shuddhi (URKUND (OURIGINAL) plagiarism Software)
https://secure.urkund.com/account/auth/login - OPAC
List of Magazines & Newspapers Being Subscribed in the library
Sr. No | Popular Magazines ( Monthly) |
1 | Indian Farming |
2 | Indian Horticulture |
3 | Kheti |
4 | Vigyan Pragati |
5 | India Today |
6 | Yojna |
7 | Pratiyogita Darpa |
8 | Kurushetra |
9 | Nirogdham |
10 | Reader Digest |
11 | Business Today |
12 | Business Outlook |
13 | Science Reporter |
14 | Down to Earth |
Sr. No | Newspapers |
1 | Dainik Jargan |
2 | Hindustan |
3 | The Hindu |
4 | Times of India |
5 | Employment News |
(Newsletter’s link will be provided this section also)
Library Advisory Committee (LAC) is constituted to look after the library related matters such as planning, policies, execution of budget etc. The constitution of the committee is given below:
- Dean, College of Horticulture BUAT :- Chairman LAC
- Dean, College of Forestry BUAT :- Member LAC
- Dean, College of Community Science BUAT :- Member LAC
- Librarian RMG Library, BUAT :- Member Secretary
As per the directives of Hon'ble Vice Chancellor a new section known as JRF Cell has been developed with a initiative to promote students to face competitive exams conducted by various governmental and other agencies. Various competitively important reading materials helps students in preparing for JRF/SRF, NET, UPCATET and other examinations.
To keep abreast with the latest information technology, new trends in information management and services; INTERNET SERVICE Centre of the Library was hooked to information Super Highway during 2018 with a meager infrastructure. The Library is now equipped with 11 computers, 4 Multi-functional printers (three in one), 2 Barcode Reader, 01 printers. All PCs and servers are connected to the Campus wide Network. The automated activities and services include assess to E-Resources, Circulation, in-house database (Books, Theses, Journals), assess through OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) and Electronic Communication (Internal & External).
Academic Info
- Administration Profile
- Infrastructure
- Faculty
- Directorates