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Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Economics
About the Department:
The Department of Agricultural Economics was established in 2018 in College of Agriculture under the premises of Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda, involved in teaching, research and extension activities. The key mandate of the department of agricultural economics is to impart quality education to UG and PG students of agriculture and allied disciplines. Department is endowed with highly qualified faculty with doctoral and post-doctoral research experience.
Department conducts research activities mainly in identification of socio economic, demographic features, dynamics of prominent crops, cost of cultivation, resource use efficiency, marketing channelsin Bundelkhand region, etc.
- To emerge as a global centre of excellence in teaching, research and extension in agriculture and allied sciences in the country to ensure sustained healthy food, nutrition and livelihood security.
- The university is committed to the cause of Indian agriculture through its quality teaching, demand-driven and location-specific research and extension programmes in the light of dynamism of socio-economic and agro ecological conditions, management perceptions, international trade scenarios and government policies.
- To provide premier teaching, research and extension in Agricultural Economics to UG and PG students.
- To promote basic and applied research in the field of Agricultural Economics for the betterment of farming community.
- To promote the interdisciplinary research as well as impact analysis of existing technology.
Courses offered by the Department in Undergraduate & Post Graduate:

Thrust Areas of Research:
- Natural resource management in agriculture.
- Economics of environment and biodiversity
- Analysis of District/State Level Trends in Agricultural development.
- Emerging issues in Agricultural labour markets.
- Social Risk management (SRM) through Agriculture.
- Common Property Resources (CPRs) and Agriculture.
- Cost of production and marketing of major crops/inputs/technologies.
- Value chain/Supply Chain management in agriculture.
- Environmental economics and carbon footprints
Academic and Extra Co-Curricular Activities:
Projects undertaken by the faculty of the department:

Projects undertaken by the faculty of the department:
Name of student | Post | Organization |
Mr. Himanshu Panday | Young Professional-II | Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow |
Mr. Arvind Kumar | Young Professional –II | National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research, New Delhi |
Mr. Pramod Kumar | Associate Government Business Manger | Reliance General Insurance Co. Ltd, Goregoan (E) Mumbai |
Mr. Anand Pratap Singh | SRF | Division of Agricultural Economics, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi |
Research Performed by the students of department:
Student’ Name | ResearchTitle |
Mr. Arvind Kumar (ID.No. 999) | An Economics Analysis of Mustard cultivation in Hamirpur District of Bundelkhand Region (U.P.) |
Mr. Sudhir (ID.No. 1349) | Economics Analysis of chickpea Among Producer organization (FPOs) in Banda District (U.P) |
Mr. Shyam Mani Tripathi (ID.No. 1348) | Trends in Area. Production and Productivity of Sesame- An Inter District Analysis in Bundelkhand Region of Uttar Pradesh |
Mr. Anand Pratap Singh (ID.No.1675) | Comparative Analysis of Trend Area, Production and Productivity of Lentil in Bundelkhand Region of Uttar Pradesh |
Mr. Pramod Kumar Yadav (ID.No.1676) | An Economic Anlaysis of Mustard cultivation in Bundelkhand Region of Uttar Pradesh |
Mr. Dharmendra Kumar (ID.No. 1677) | An Economics Anlaysis of Wheat cultivation of Banda District in Bundelkhand Region (U.P) |
Mr. Vikas Kumar (ID.No.1678) | Comparative Economics of Pigeion Pea Cultivation in Bundelkhand Region of (U.P.) |
Ms. Prachi Singh (ID.No.2011) | Economics Analysis of Producer Surplus of Rice in Banda District, (U.P) |
Ms. Pragya (ID.No. 2012) | Economics Analysis of Sarghum in Bundelkhand Region of Uttar Pradesh |
Mr. Ankit Kumar Maurya (ID.No.2013) | Dynamics in Area, Production and Productivity of Gram in Bundelkhand Region (U.P.) |
Mr. Mahesh Kumar (ID.No.2014) | Export Perfarmance of seame in india |
Mr.Tausif Raza (ID.No.2314) | Value chain analysis of Mustard in Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh. |
Km. Shivajali (ID.No 2316) | Economics Analysis of Production and Marketing of Sesame in Bundelkhand Region of (U.P.) |
Mr. Naval Kishor (ID.No. 2315) | Empirical Analysis of Pearl millet of Jalaun District in Bundelkhand Region (U.P.) |
Student’s Pursuing Ph.D. in Prestigious Universities:
Shyam Mani Tripathi
- GovindBallabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand.
Anand Pratap Singh
- Institute of Agricultural Science, Banaras Hindu University, Uttar Pradesh
Priya Singh
- Institute of Agricultural Science, Banaras Hindu University, Uttar Pradesh
- Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, ANDUAT, Ayodhya
Ankit Kumar Maurya
- Department of Agricultural Economics & Statistics, CSAUA&T, Kanpur
Facilities in the Department:

Academic Info
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